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Number of results: 135

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  • Guinea-Bissau Naturalizes Senegalese Refugees

    news VOA, 04 Dec 2018 (5 years ago )
    Ricci Shryock PELUNDO, GUINEA-BISSAU — Senegalese refugees in Guinea-Bissau are getting identification cards after years — and, for some, decades — of living in a state of limbo. Ibrahima Ingo has lived in Pelundo, near Guinea-Bissau's border with Senegal, since 1992 when he fled southern S...
  • Governo da Guiné-Bissau vai atribuir nacionalidade a cerca de 10.000 refugiados

    news Diario de Notícias, 05 Dec 2017 (6 years ago )
    O Governo da Guiné-Bissau e o Alto Comissariado da ONU para os Refugiados (ACNUR) assinaram hoje um documento para a atribuição da nacionalidade guineense a cerca de 10.000 refugiados que se encontram no país. Os 10.000 refugiados estão há mais de 20 anos na Guiné-Bissau e são provenientes da re...

    news Conosaba, 05 Dec 2017 (6 years ago )
    O Governo da Guiné-Bissau e o Alto Comissariado da ONU para os Refugiados (ACNUR) assinaram hoje um documento para a atribuição da nacionalidade guineense a cerca de 10.000 refugiados que se encontram no país. Os 10.000 refugiados estão há mais de 20 anos na Guiné-Bissau e são provenientes da regiã...
  • Deputy UN chief highlights stronger AU-UN partnership to benefit Africa's youth

    news UN News Centre, 03 Jul 2017 (7 years ago )
    3 July 2017 – Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed today called for strengthening the relationship between the African Union (AU) and the United Nations to deliver on promised development for Africa's youth. Addressing her first African Union Summit since taking office, Ms. Mohammed said that ...
  • Statelessness: Over 40m children are unregistered in West Africa —UNICEF

    news Nigerian Tribune, 11 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    Ms Marie-Pierre Poirier, Regional Director, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), says about 40 million children under five are unregistered in the West African region Poirier made this known in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Tuesday in Banjul at the end of the Ministerial...
  • ECOWAS works towards eradicating statelessness in west Africa

    news Africanews, 10 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has a adopted strategies to eradicate statelessness in the sub-region by 2024. During a 3-day ministerial conference that began on Monday in Gambia’s capital Banjul, experts from the bloc’s 15 member states resolved to finalize a plan of acti...
  • West Africa acts to end statelessness

    news Namibian, 10 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    DAKAR – West Africa has become the first region in the world to adopt an action plan to end statelessness, aiming to help more than one million people without a nationality gain identity papers with new laws and better data, human rights experts said on Monday. Stateless people, sometimes referred ...
  • Apatridie: l'Afrique de l'Ouest première région à adopter un plan d'éradication

    news Afrique Expansion, 10 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    La Communauté économique des Etats d'Afrique de l'Ouest (Cédéao) est devenue officiellement mardi la première organisation régionale à adopter un plan d'élimination de l'apatridie, lors d'une conférence ministérielle à Banjul, la capitale gambienne. Le Haut commissariat de l'ONU pour les réfugiés...
  • La Cedeao adopte un plan d’action pour éradiquer l’apatridie

    news Jeune Afrique, 10 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    10 mai 2017 à 14h53 Par Jeune Afrique avec AFP La Communauté économique des Etats d’Afrique de l’Ouest (Cedeao) est devenue ce mardi la première organisation du continent à adopter un plan d‘élimination de l’apatridie, qui toucherait près d'un million de personnes sur cette partie du continent. ...
  • La CEDEAO contre l'apatridie

    news BBC, 10 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    L'Organisation sous régionale a ébauché un plan visant à permettre aux milliers de personnes sans papiers et sans nationalité reconnue de pouvoir exister officiellement. Selon un spécialiste, en Afrique de l'Ouest, l'apatridie, due à une législation restrictive en matière de transmission de nationa...