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458 households have benefited from kitchen gardens aimed at improving food security at household level in Kalobeyei settlement.highlight 31 Aug 2017 (7 years ago)
Good Neighbors International (GNI), a Korean NGO will partner with UNHCR to initiate the construction of a secondary school in Kakuma camp with a capacity to host 1,000 students.highlight 14 Jul 2017 (7 years ago)
Over 3,500 new arrivals to benefit from the opening of 3 temporary schools, put up to decongest the existing school, in Kalobeyei settlement by UNHCR in collaboration with WFP, UNICEF, and partners.highlight 13 Jun 2017 (7 years ago)
The UN Refugee Agency has organized a Mr. and Miss 2017 World Refugee Day beauty pageant that will see contestants from the refugee and host community compete for this year’s title. Auditions have been conducted and a total of 30 contestants selected from Kakuma and Kalobeyei to compete in this year’s beauty pageant. The event is set to take place on the 19th June 2017 at Liz Ahua Hall in Kakuma 3.highlight 09 Jun 2017 (7 years ago)
The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and livelihood partners will, from 16 – 18 June, hold the World Refuge Day Market Day at Kakuma 3 (opposite the reception centre). The market day themed ‘Bei Nafuu, Bidhaa Bora’ is aimed at unlocking marketing opportunity for refugee and host community entrepreneurs.highlight 06 Jun 2017 (7 years ago)
On 7 – 21 May 2017, the County Civil Registrar, upon invitation by UNHCR Sub-Office Kakuma, issued 1,279 birth certificates and 231 death certificates to refugees in the Kakuma Operation. Out of the 1,279 birth certificates issued, 13 were renewals while 5 were late registration.highlight 23 May 2017 (7 years ago)
The construction of a 14km pipeline from Tarach seasonal river to Kalobeyei settlement was completed thus allowing water to be pumped from boreholes near Tarach Seasonal River in Kakuma to Kalobeyei. Currently, piping within cluster one of Kalobeyei settlement is ongoing.highlight 12 Apr 2017 (7 years ago)
A total of 5,020 (58 % from Eastern Equatoria) SSD new arrivals have been registered since 1st January 2017 while a total of 1,418 individuals were registered in March 2017.highlight 12 Apr 2017 (7 years ago)
Swiss Agency for Dev. & Coop.(SDC) Director General, Manuel Sager, visited Kakuma and Kalobeyei settlement to familiarize with UNHCR Operation in the area.highlight 23 Mar 2017 (8 years ago)
Assistant Sec Gen. and UN-Habitat Deputy Executive Director Dr. Aisa Kacyira visited Kalobeyei to witness the integration projects by refugees and hostshighlight 21 Feb 2017 (8 years ago)