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Number of results: 1255

  • Somali troops retake presidential palace

    news Al Jazeera and agencies, 08 Jul 2014 (10 years ago )
    Somali troops have retaken the presidential palace in the capital Mogadishu after al-Shabab fighters forced their way in and exchanged heavy gunfire with soldiers and guards. Al Jazeera's correspondent said loud explosions and gunfire could be heard as troops tried to repel the intruders on Tuesd...
  • U.N. sees warning signs of return to famine in Somalia

    news Thomson Reuters Foundation: Author: Katy Migiro, 03 Jul 2014 (10 years ago )
    NAIROBI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Hunger is set to worsen in Somalia due to rising food prices, patchy rains and a lack of access to people in need, undermining efforts to rebuild the conflict-scarred country, senior U.N. officials said late on Wednesday. The last two rainy seasons, which pe...
  • EXCLUSIVE-U.S. discloses secret Somalia military

    news Reuters - Wed, 2 Jul 2014 19:40 GMT: By Phil Stewart, 02 Jul 2014 (10 years ago )
    WASHINGTON, July 2(Reuters) - U.S. military advisors have secretly operated in Somalia since around 2007 and Washington plans to deepen its security assistance to help the country fend off threats by Islamist militant group al Shabaab, U.S. officials said. The comments are the first detailed publ...
  • UN Special Representative congratulates Somalia on 54th Independence Day

    news UNSOM, 01 Jul 2014 (10 years ago )
    Mogadishu, 1 July 2014 – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia (SRSG), Nicholas Kay, congratulated the people of Somalia as they celebrated their 54th Independence Day and called on all Somalis to unite and continue the hard work to build a peaceful future for their coun...
  • Al Shabaab kills three Somali soldiers in latest Ramadan attack

    news Source: Reuters - Tue, 1 Jul 2014 12:04 GMT, 01 Jul 2014 (10 years ago )
    MOGADISHU, July 1 (Reuters) - Al Shabaab militants shot dead three Somali soldiers in the capital Mogadishu on Tuesday, their fourth attack since the start of the Ramadan fasting month that the Islamists have threatened to target. Sheikh Abdiasis abu Musab, al Shabaab's spokesman for military aff...
  • Defeating al-Shabab and dismembering Somalia

    news Al Jazeera, 01 Jul 2014 (10 years ago )
    Two years ago, the African Union Military Force (AMISOM) liberated the Somali capital, Mogadishu, from al-Shabab. More recently AMISOM and the Somali Army declared victories over al-Shabab by capturing major towns. The international community which supports AMISOM has touted these advances, yet the ...
  • UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon meets Somali Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed at AU Summit

    news UNSOM, 30 Jun 2014 (10 years ago )
    Malabo, 27 June 2014 - On 26 June 2014, the Secretary-General met with the Prime Minister of Somalia, H.E. Mr. Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed, on the margins of the African Summit in Malabo. The Prime Minister and Secretary-General discussed the political, security and humanitarian situation in Somalia.
  • Market blast kills two in Somali capital

    news Al Jazeera, 30 Jun 2014 (10 years ago )
    At least two people have been killed and seven wounded when a bomb ripped through a busy market in the Somali capital, a government official said. It is not clear who carried out Monday's attack but in the past similar explosions in Mogadishu have been claimed by al-Shabab fighters. The group ...
  • Islamist rebels in Somalia kill three as Ramadan starts

    news Reuters - Sun, 29 Jun 2014 12:25 GMT, 29 Jun 2014 (10 years ago )
    * Al Shabaab warned of attacks during fasting month * Two traffic police, one soldier gunned down * Somalia wrecked by more than two decades of conflict By Abdi Sheikh and Feisal Omar MOGADISHU, June 29 (Reuters) - Islamist rebels shot dead three members of Somalia's security forces in t...
  • UN Special Representative for Somalia on the occasion of Ramadan

    news UNSOM, 28 Jun 2014 (10 years ago )
    Mogadishu, 28 June 2014 – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia, Nicholas Kay, today extended his best wishes to all Somali people as they prepare for the holy month of Ramadan. “Ramadan is a time for families and communities to share the happiness of gathering t...