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Turkey: WFP - In-Camp Electronic Voucher Programme in Turkey Market Price Monitoring (PMM) and On-Site Monitoring (OSM) Report - Quarter 1/2...
documentTurkey: WFP - In-Camp Electronic Voucher Programme in Turkey Market Price Monitoring (PMM) and On-Site Monitoring (OSM) Report - Quarter 1/2020Publish date: 25 November 2020 (4 years ago)
Create date: 25 November 2020 (4 years ago) -
Turkish Red Crescent: Knowledge and Information Needs on COVID-19 Discussion
documentTurkish Red Crescent: Knowledge and Information Needs on COVID-19 DiscussionPublish date: 20 April 2020 (4 years ago)
Create date: 20 April 2020 (4 years ago) -
Turkiye: TRC IFRC - ESSN Satisfaction Survey 5
Create date: 16 October 2023 (1 year ago) -
Türk Kızılayı: COVID-19 Salgınına İlişkin Bilgilenme İhtiyacı Çalışması
documentTürk Kızılayı: COVID-19 Salgınına İlişkin Bilgilenme İhtiyacı ÇalışmasıPublish date: 20 April 2020 (4 years ago)
Create date: 20 April 2020 (4 years ago) -
Türk Kızılayı: COVID-19 Sürecinde Geçici ve Uluslararası Koruma Altındaki Çocukların Uzaktan Eğitime Erişim Durumu Analizi
documentGeçici koruma (GK) ve uluslararası koruma (UK) altındaki çocuklar eğitime erişimle ilgili halihazırda pek çok farklı sorunla karşı karşıya kalmaktadır. COVID-19 döneminde ise söz konusu sorunların der...Publish date: 1 May 2020 (4 years ago)
Create date: 9 June 2020 (4 years ago) -
Türkiye - IFRC/TRC: Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) Monthly Report: May 2023
documentTürkiye - IFRC/TRC: Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) Monthly Report: May 2023Publish date: 17 July 2023 (1 year ago)
Create date: 17 July 2023 (1 year ago) -
Türkiye - IFRC/TRC: PDM Round 15 - Refugees in Türkiye: Trapped in a Cycle of Poverty - January 2023
documentTürkiye - IFRC/TRC: PDM Round 16 - Refugees in Türkiye: Trapped in a Cycle of Poverty - January 2023Publish date: 7 July 2023 (1 year ago)
Create date: 10 July 2023 (1 year ago) -
Türkiye - IFRC/TRC: PDM Round 16 - Capturing the Resilience of Refugees in Türkiye Amıdst Pre-Disaster Struggles - March 2023
documentTürkiye - IFRC: PDM Round 16 - Capturing the Resilience of Refugees in Türkiye Amıdst Pre-Disaster Struggles - March 2023Publish date: 10 July 2023 (1 year ago)
Create date: 10 July 2023 (1 year ago) -
Türkiye - IFRC: ESSN Programme Satisfaction and Feedback Survey Results
documentThe ESSN satisfaction and feedback survey (conducted from July to August 2022 with 720 ESSN applicants) is the fourth assessment in the series. Undertaken jointly by the IFRC and Türk Kızılay, it aims...Publish date: 20 April 2023 (1 year ago)
Create date: 26 April 2023 (1 year ago) -
Türkiye - TRC/IFRC: Beyond Assıstance: Perspectives of Refugees on Socioeconomic Empowerment - FGD Analysis Report - October 2023
documentTürkiye - TRC/IFRC: Beyond Assıstance: Perspectives of Refugees on Socioeconomic Empowerment - FGD Analysis Report - October 2023Publish date: 27 October 2023 (1 year ago)
Create date: 14 December 2023 (1 year ago)