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West and Central Africa - UNHCR Presence and population movements - as of Feb 2018
documentWest and Central Africa - UNHCR Presence and population movements - as of Feb 2018Publish date: 20 July 2020 (4 years ago)
Create date: 12 March 2018 (6 years ago) -
UNHCR Regional Bureau for West and Central Africa - Education Newsletter #2023-1 (January 2023)
documentUNHCR RBWCA Education Monthly NewsletterPublish date: 1 February 2023 (1 year ago)
Create date: 27 February 2023 (1 year ago) -
UNHCR - West & Central Africa Map - 12 September
documentPrincipal refugees, IDPs and Stateless Persons in West & Central AfricaPublish date: 13 September 2019 (5 years ago)
Create date: 13 September 2019 (5 years ago) -
Africa - UNHCR's total projected resettlement needs for 2018 by country of asylum - 01 June 2017
documentAfrica - UNHCR's total projected resettlement needs for 2018 by country of asylum - 01 June 2017Publish date: 1 June 2017 (7 years ago)
Create date: 28 August 2017 (7 years ago) -
Cote d'Ivoire Situational Emergency Update - 11 December 2020
documentCote d'Ivoire Situational Emergency Update - 11 December 2020Publish date: 13 December 2020 (3 years ago)
Create date: 13 December 2020 (3 years ago) -
UNHCR MENA Research Project: Protection Impacts of Cash-Based Interventions with a Focus on Child Protection - Arabic
documentUNHCR MENA Research Project: Protection Impacts of Cash-Based Interventions with a Focus on Child Protection-ArabicPublish date: 14 January 2021 (3 years ago)
Create date: 14 January 2021 (3 years ago) -
Africa - UNHCR Presence
documentUNHCR Presence mapPublish date: 3 May 2016 (8 years ago)
Create date: 23 August 2016 (8 years ago) -
Member States - AU Kampala Convention and ICGLR - as of June 2017
documentMember States - AU Kampala Convention and ICGLR - as of June 2017Publish date: 30 June 2017 (7 years ago)
Create date: 31 May 2018 (6 years ago) -
Member States AU Kampala Convention and ICGLR as of June 2017
documentMember States AU Kampala Convention and ICGLR as of June 2017Publish date: 30 June 2017 (7 years ago)
Create date: 19 March 2018 (6 years ago) -
UNHCR MENA COVID-19 Emergency Response Update, 4 June 2020
documentUNHCR MENA COVID-19 Emergency Response Update, 4 June 2020Publish date: 27 May 2020 (4 years ago)
Create date: 5 June 2020 (4 years ago)