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Number of results: 517

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  • Crise politique en Gambie : des milliers de Gambiens fuient le pays par craintes de troubles

    news France 24, 17 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    La situation politique instable en Gambie fait craindre le pire aux habitants qui, par milliers, choisissent de fuir au Sénégal voisin et en Guinée-Bissau. Des milliers de Gambiens qui redoutent des troubles dans leur pays à quelques jours de la fin du mandat du président Yahya Jammeh, jeudi 19 j...
  • The UN Supports a Peaceful, Timely and Orderly Transfert of Power in The Gambia

    news UNOWAS, 17 Dec 2016 (7 years ago )
    THE 50th ORDINARY SUMMIT OF THE ECONOMIC COMMUNITY OF WEST AFRICAN STATES (ECOWAS) Abuja, 17 December 2016 Speech by Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) Your Excellency Madam...
  • Briefing to the Security Council on the Report of the Secretary-General on the Activities of the United Nations Office for West Africa and t...

    news UNOWAS, 13 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    1 July – 31 December 2016 By Mohamed Ibn Chambas Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNOWAS New York, 13 January 2017 Monsieur le Président, Distingués membres du Conseil, 1. C’est un honneur pour moi de me retrouver devant cette auguste assemblée, pou...
  • Gambia: Four ministers resign from Jammeh government Finance, foreign affairs, trade and the environment ministers quit Jammeh's government ...

    news Aljazeera, 17 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    The Gambia's ministers for finance, foreign affairs, trade and the environment have resigned from President Yahya Jammeh's government, according to ministry sources and state television. The resignations were announced on Tuesday less than a day after the country's Chief Justice Emmanuel Fagbenl...
  • The Gambia's president declares state of emergency

    news BBC, 17 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Gambian President Yahya Jammeh has declared a 90-day state of emergency a day before his official mandate ends. He decried "extraordinary" foreign interference in his country's affairs and December's election. Regional leaders have been unsuccessfully trying to persuade Mr Jammeh to hand over ...
  • Le président sortant Yahya Jammeh déclare l'état d'urgence en Gambie

    news France 24, 17 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Dernière modification : 17/01/2017 Le président sortant Yahya Jammeh a déclaré l'état d'urgence en Gambie, mardi, deux jours avant la fin officielle de son mandat. Plusieurs pays africains préparent une intervention militaire au cas où il refuserait de quitter le pouvoir. Le président gambien so...
  • La Gambie s'enfonce dans la crise politique

    news Le Figaro, 17 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Le président Yahya Jammeh, défait lors des élections présidentielles de décembre dernier refuse de céder le pouvoir à son rival, et a proclamé l'état d'urgence ce mardi à deux jours de l'investiture. Une attitude condamnée par de nombreux ministres et militaires. La grave crise politique que trav...
  • Gambian president declares state of emergency before opponent sworn in

    news The Guardian, 17 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Yahya Jammeh is attempting to cling to power after refusing to accept election that saw him lose to Adama Barrow, who is due to be inaugurated on Thursday The president of The Gambia has declared a state of emergency in the west African country two days before he is due to leave office. The de...
  • Gambians flee to Senegal fearing war over Barrow inauguration

    news The Irish Times, 16 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Dictator Yahya Jammeh lost elections but may not concede presidency on Thursday Mon, Jan 16, 2017, 17:03 Updated: Mon, Jan 16, 2017, 17:23 Business is booming at Bundung bus station. Men, women and children pile into a battered minibus, while suitcases, flour sacks and a bicycle are hurriedly ...
  • West African states prepare Gambia intervention unless Jammeh quits-source

    news Reuters, 17 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Tue Jan 17, 2017 9:38am GMT LAGOS (Reuters) - Nigerian and other West African countries are preparing a joint force to intervene militarily in Gambia if President Yahya Jammeh does not hand over power, a Nigerian military source said on Tuesday. "A decision has been taken that he will not rema...