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At the beginning of 2018, 130,668 Syrian refugee children were enrolled in formal education and 29,247 were enrolled in NFE. Nearly one in three of the 233,052 registered Syrian refugee school-aged children were out of any form of education at the beginning of the year. Children across Jordan face geographical and socio-economic disparities in access, overcrowded or dilapidated classrooms, low learning outcomes; social tension, bullying and violence, and few learning pathways for the most vulnerable children.highlight 14 Jan 2019 (6 years ago)
UNICEF and partners completed the KG Data in August 2018, which indicated that 84 per cent of five to six-year olds have access to KG or KG-like services, an increase from earlier figures which cited 59 per cent of children accessing KGs. The difference identified in the study quantified the number of unlicensed KGs or community centres in the country.highlight 14 Jan 2019 (6 years ago)
The SGBV WG met regularly in December 2018 reviewing achievements of the annual workplan and starting brainstorming for 2019 planning. Among identified priorities there is a stronger information management system. Moreover the WG has started the development of an app to strengthen the referral pathway. Package for the safe referral training has been updated and disseminated to participants to the ToT for the replication at field level at the beginning of next year.highlight 15 Jan 2019 (6 years ago)
Shelter: by end of January a total of 285 Shelters were upgraded and repaired in Azraq and Zaatari camps.highlight 12 Feb 2019 (6 years ago)
WASH: UNICEF launched a new in-house developed system dedicated for managing all complaints received related to the networks on the hotline. The system is able to categorize and prioritize the complaints and refer the competent authority to take action. The average response time to receive complained is 48-72 hours.highlight 12 Feb 2019 (6 years ago)
Education: In January 2019, UNICEF followed up on the Learning for All initiative for the current school year and succeeded in reducing the registration rejected caseload. A total of 492 of 1,042 (47 percent) cases were resolved, with children returning to school. For out-of-school children, 2,944 of 6,702 (44 percent) have been enrolled in schools.highlight 12 Feb 2019 (6 years ago)
The SGBV WG met regularly in January 2019, focus of the meeting was presenting best practices on violence against older people and discussing sexual harassment in the workplace. The SGBV WG finalized report on 16 days of activism against gender based violence campaign. First meeting of the year was held for the GBV IMS taskforce, whereas data gathering organizations conducted an analysis of compiled data of 2018 on GBV trends that will inform the yearly report. Moreover the SGBV WG participated to the global consultation on GBV minimum standards for the prevention and response to GBV in emergencies. The goal of these minimum standards is to enhance accountability among GBV specialists, improve quality, and provide clarity on what constitutes effective GBV prevention and response. Collecting feedback from field level GBV practitioners is critical in the revision process to ensure the Minimum Standards are truly an inclusive field-tested and validated. To this end the SGBV WG organized a consultation on 22nd of January 2019, attended by 25 participants (6M, 19F) with expertise in the multisectorial response to GBV in Jordan.highlight 12 Feb 2019 (6 years ago)
Dear partners As you may be aware, the new UN Partner Portal, a joint initiative of UNICEF, WFP and UNHCR, is now fully operational. The UN Partner Portal is an online platform designed to simplify and harmonize UN work processes for partnering with NGOs, no-profit entities and civil society organizations at large. For partners who already had a profile on the ‘UNHCR Partner Portal’, it has been migrated to the new UN Partner Portal. However, given the requirements of the new UN partner portal, some profiles may result incomplete. Please double check and ensure that your profile is 100% complete, otherwise you will not be able to participate in new Calls for Expression of Interest. Instructions on all workflows and activities are detailed in individual user guides and step by step explanatory videos on the Portal which can be found under Should you have any questions, comments, you may contact the Portal team via the help function on the UN Partner Portal (for technical issues) or by e-mail to epartner@unhcr.orghighlight 11 Mar 2019 (5 years ago)
Education : In February, UNICEF and its partners readied 60 new NFE Drop-Out centres in underserved areas, expected to serve 1,500 vulnerable adolescents within the first year of operation.highlight 13 Mar 2019 (5 years ago)
Education : The Nashatati programme, offering life skills, extracurricular, co-curricular and social cohesion building activities, has been expanded during the second year of its implementation as an in-school programme in 300 schools for grades 7-10 .highlight 13 Mar 2019 (5 years ago)