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The SGBV WG met regularly in April 2019 and endorsed the annual workplan. Moreover IRC presented a good practice on adolescent programming with their Girl Shine approach. A learning session was organized on the new application for referrals to ensure partners familiarize with it and provide information as needed. The GBV IMS taskforce met regularly and based on the results of assessment included a new member as data gathering organization. The SGBV WG participated to the launch of the Standard Operating Procedures for the prevention and response to Gender Based Violence,Family Violence and Child protection and the Clinical Management of Rape Protocol organized by NCFA under the patronage of the Prime Minister.highlight 14 May 2019 (5 years ago)
The SGBV WG met regularly in March 2019 and reviewed the Terms of reference for the working group. In March the SGBV WG marked the celebration of International Women’s Day with the production of common IEC materials on the national theme “She innovates”. 300 posters were produced and disseminated in 3 refugee camps and host communities to celebrate refugee and Jordanian women volunteers commitment to innovate and build a safer environment for all women and girls in Jordan. The SGBV WG selected success stories of women and girls from 9 different organization producing and disseminating 100 boxes with stories featuring women and girls that despite facing challenges have found creative ways to claim their rights. Moreover the SGBV WG championed the inclusion of two priorities in OCHA humanitarian funding allocation and disseminated a guidance note on Do and Do not on GBV proposal writing. The first meeting of the SAG- Strategic Advisory Group took place for the discussion of workplan and strategic priorities. Moreover in March SGBV WG nominated three gender focal points to support gender mainstreaming in the sector. The sub working group completed the planning exercise for the Jordan Response Plan.highlight 15 Apr 2019 (5 years ago)
The Sector Gender Based Violence (SGBV WG) met regularly in February 2019, The Gender Justice report for Jordan prepared by UNDP, UNFPA and UN-women was presented. Highlights in February were the field testing of the app for safe referrals as well as preparation for the celebration of International Women’s Day with common messages and development of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials. The sub-working group agreed on gaps and prioritization and it has been advocating for the OCHA humanitarian fund allocation.highlight 13 Mar 2019 (5 years ago)
The SGBV WG met regularly in January 2019, focus of the meeting was presenting best practices on violence against older people and discussing sexual harassment in the workplace. The SGBV WG finalized report on 16 days of activism against gender based violence campaign. First meeting of the year was held for the GBV IMS taskforce, whereas data gathering organizations conducted an analysis of compiled data of 2018 on GBV trends that will inform the yearly report. Moreover the SGBV WG participated to the global consultation on GBV minimum standards for the prevention and response to GBV in emergencies. The goal of these minimum standards is to enhance accountability among GBV specialists, improve quality, and provide clarity on what constitutes effective GBV prevention and response. Collecting feedback from field level GBV practitioners is critical in the revision process to ensure the Minimum Standards are truly an inclusive field-tested and validated. To this end the SGBV WG organized a consultation on 22nd of January 2019, attended by 25 participants (6M, 19F) with expertise in the multisectorial response to GBV in Jordan.highlight 12 Feb 2019 (6 years ago)
The SGBV WG met regularly in December 2018 reviewing achievements of the annual workplan and starting brainstorming for 2019 planning. Among identified priorities there is a stronger information management system. Moreover the WG has started the development of an app to strengthen the referral pathway. Package for the safe referral training has been updated and disseminated to participants to the ToT for the replication at field level at the beginning of next year.highlight 15 Jan 2019 (6 years ago)
Education : During the month of February, the education sector in Jordan, including MOE, UN agencies and Education Donor Group members have contributed to the preparation of material for the Brussels Conference event with advocacy and knowledge products.highlight 13 Mar 2019 (5 years ago)
Education : Ministry of Education (MOE) is still rolling out the ESP technical working groups. The process is currently in the stage of nominating the working group members from both the MOE and external stakeholders.highlight 13 Mar 2019 (5 years ago)
Education : The Nashatati programme, offering life skills, extracurricular, co-curricular and social cohesion building activities, has been expanded during the second year of its implementation as an in-school programme in 300 schools for grades 7-10 .highlight 13 Mar 2019 (5 years ago)
Education : In February, UNICEF and its partners readied 60 new NFE Drop-Out centres in underserved areas, expected to serve 1,500 vulnerable adolescents within the first year of operation.highlight 13 Mar 2019 (5 years ago)
Dear partners As you may be aware, the new UN Partner Portal, a joint initiative of UNICEF, WFP and UNHCR, is now fully operational. The UN Partner Portal is an online platform designed to simplify and harmonize UN work processes for partnering with NGOs, no-profit entities and civil society organizations at large. For partners who already had a profile on the ‘UNHCR Partner Portal’, it has been migrated to the new UN Partner Portal. However, given the requirements of the new UN partner portal, some profiles may result incomplete. Please double check and ensure that your profile is 100% complete, otherwise you will not be able to participate in new Calls for Expression of Interest. Instructions on all workflows and activities are detailed in individual user guides and step by step explanatory videos on the Portal which can be found under Should you have any questions, comments, you may contact the Portal team via the help function on the UN Partner Portal (for technical issues) or by e-mail to epartner@unhcr.orghighlight 11 Mar 2019 (5 years ago)