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Number of results: 1035

  • CPSWG : has developed new Referral Pathways divided in core case management and related services (including Education, services for children with disabilities, legal assistance, health and MHPSS as well as livelihoods).
    highlight 16 Oct 2018 (5 years ago)
    Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • WASH: In September, WASH services were provided to more than 80,383 Syrian refugees, living in Azraq, Zaatari, and King Abdulla camps and host communities.
    highlight 18 Oct 2018 (5 years ago)
    Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • Shelter:By end of September a total of 4,886 Shelters were upgraded and repaired in Azraq and Zaatari camps.
    highlight 18 Oct 2018 (5 years ago)
    Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • Basic Needs: In October, the BNWG provided around 5,554,507 US$ worth of regular cash, winterization assistances and non-food item (NFIs) to vulnerable beneficiaries from the refugee and host Community.
    highlight 15 Nov 2018 (5 years ago)
    Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • Shelter: By end of October a total of 5,393 Shelters were upgraded and repaired in Azraq and Zaatari camps.
    highlight 15 Nov 2018 (5 years ago)
    Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • WASH: By end of October, the overall achievement for the indicator “access to adequate quantity of safe water through improved water systems” has been increased to 63 per cent.
    highlight 15 Nov 2018 (5 years ago)
    Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • Education: ESWG has achieved significant progress in October, with the Non-Formal Education Catch-Up programme, 1,150 (43 per cent female) children were referred back to formal education and 751 out-of-school children were newly enrolled (41 per cent female).
    highlight 15 Nov 2018 (5 years ago)
    Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • Shelter: As of 31 October 2018, Electricity provision hours in Zaatari camp will start from 4:30pm to 5:00 am.
    highlight 15 Nov 2018 (5 years ago)
    Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • Shelter: By end of November a total of 5,835 Shelters were upgraded and repaired in Azraq and Zaatari camps.
    highlight 13 Dec 2018 (5 years ago)
    Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • WASH: Bath University along with agreement with UNHCR implemented a pilot project “a new additional features to the existing T-Shelter” in order to improve the living conditions of refugees: Twelve (12) shelters have been tested.
    highlight 13 Dec 2018 (5 years ago)
    Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees