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Number of results: 18

  • 24 Syrian vulnerable families affected by rainfall at Za'atri were moved to unoccupied prefabs last night, with further movement today as drainage efforts cont.
    highlight 08 Jan 2013 (12 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic Turkey / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Lebanon / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Egypt / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Iraq / Iraq - IDPs / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • CARE and local partner JNFW (Jordanian National Forum for Women) in support of UNHCR distribute relief items to Jordanian host communities and Syrian families.
    highlight 07 Feb 2013 (11 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic Turkey / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Lebanon / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Egypt / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Iraq / Iraq - IDPs / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • During the March storms 5,220 M3 of flood water was removed by UNHCR & JEN trucks. 1067 refugees were relocated to emergency shelters
    highlight 14 Mar 2014 (10 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic Turkey / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Lebanon / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Egypt / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Iraq / Iraq - IDPs / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • In 2013, there were 2,371 live births in Zaatari refugee camp, 92% of which were attended by skilled personnel.
    highlight 03 Apr 2014 (10 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic Turkey / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Lebanon / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Egypt / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Iraq / Iraq - IDPs / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • In March 2014 (up to 27 March) a total of 1,047 caravans were distributed in Zaatari.
    highlight 27 Mar 2014 (10 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic Turkey / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Lebanon / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Egypt / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Iraq / Iraq - IDPs / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • In Zaatari camp WFP & Save the Children have finished in-kind food distributions. Refugees will now receive 10JD vouchers twice a month.
    highlight 18 Mar 2014 (10 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic Turkey / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Lebanon / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Egypt / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Iraq / Iraq - IDPs / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • JEN has distributed winter clothing to 5,500 families in Za'atri thanks to UNIQLO donation. Emergency clothing also sent to border for new arrived refugees
    highlight 20 Jan 2013 (12 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic Turkey / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Lebanon / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Egypt / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Iraq / Iraq - IDPs / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • Jordan - Preparation work on Za'atri site in Mafraq is underway as part of contingency planning by UNHCR and JHCO. UNICEF is also working on the WASH infrastructure.
    highlight 19 Jul 2012 (12 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic Turkey / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Lebanon / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Egypt / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Iraq / Iraq - IDPs / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • Jordan - Refugees and humanitarian community are working collectively to address affected parts of the Za'atri camp due to recent heavy rainfall.
    highlight 08 Jan 2013 (12 years ago)
    Jordan Syrian Arab Republic Turkey / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Lebanon / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Egypt / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees Iraq / Iraq - IDPs / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
  • Jordan Humanitarian Fund JHF/ OCHA Health Sector picked up as one of the priority sector for March call while the sector define it priority under “Projects that support secondary health care for priority cases, such as Basic Emergency Obstetric care and Newborn Care (BEmONC) and Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEmONC) including supporting priority medical referrals from the borders and camp”. Nutrition Sub Working Group: No significant changes reported in the Outpatient Therapeutic Programme (OTP) and Supplementary Feeding Programme (SFP). The admission rate for SFP in Azraq camp reported higher compared to Za’atari camp and urban. Reproductive Health Sub Working Group (RHSWG): JICA’s project for Improvement of Services at Village Health Centers (VHCs) in Rural Host Communities of Syrian Refugees concluded. The project focused on the linkages between VHCs and communities. The RH working group has done review session for this model project for lesson learnt and results related to changing people’s attitude towards Reproductive Health /Family Planning practices and healthy life style. Zaatari Camp: - Community Health Programme activities handed over to Save the Children Jordan. - The second screening phase of the school health program including physical examinations for all student at first, third and fifth grades has been completed successfully. Azraq Camp: • Number of consultations reported higher by 15% compared to last month’s statistics, no changes on other statistical trends and remain stable for month of March. • An experiment was carried out under UNHCR Innovation Fellowship addressing the delays in medical emergency response by Civil Defense in the camp. Civil Defense respond to all call essentially and the main objective of the initiative is to enable Civil Defense prioritize cases and dispatch the ambulance accordingly. A second experiment will take place soon after adjusting for any main issues faced. Although analysis has not been completed yet, positive feedback from Civil Defense was reported. Berm Situation: Significant increase in number of patient accessing UN joint clinic noted with daily average of 167 cases. 4,346 patients accessed the clinic on March while 27 cases referred for treatment at Jordan hospitals. Malnutrition rate was stable at 3% among PLWs and at 1.8 among children under 5 years old. 24/7 health services operating plan established, resources allocated and communication made with MOFA and MOH for final clearance.
    highlight 18 Apr 2018 (6 years ago)
    Jordan / Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees