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Highlighted Underfunded Situations in 2018
linkThe ongoing conflict in the world’s youngest nation has forced some 2.4 million people into becoming refugees, while an additional two million are displaced inside the country. There the needs of US$7... -
South Sudan Peace Talks – The voices of refugees
linkSouth Sudan refugees come face to face with country’s leaders. -
Children face new perils in Ugandan refugee settlements
linkDozens of unaccompanied or separated children fleeing the war in South Sudan have arrived in Uganda every day. -
In Pictures - Hairdressing and techno: making a living in the world’s largest refugee camp
linkIn the Bidi Bidi settlement in north-west Uganda, refugees and locals are coming up with new ways to support themselves. Photojournalist Charlotte Allan documents working life in the camp. -
PRESS RELEASE: Joint statement by UNHCR and OPM on preliminary results of refugee verification exercise
linkThe verification exercise, which was conducted upon a directive from the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) in early 2018, was aimed at confirming the number of refugees and asylum-seekers registered ... -
UNHCR and partners launch communication system for refugees in Uganda
linkThe two-way communication system will be piloted in Nakivale and Kiryandongo settlements first before eventually rolling out to all refugee settlements in Uganda by the end of the year. -
Preliminary results of refugee verification exercise in Uganda
linkThe Government of Uganda has one of the most progressive refugee policies, allowing refugees and asylum-seekers to live in gazetted refugee settlements and exercise freedom of movement and settlement ... -
Peace needed in South Sudan to end five years of displacement
linkUNHCR stands ready to assist efforts to achieve a genuine and inclusive peace process, including supporting the meaningful and inclusive participation of refugees in any agreement.