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South Sudanese in exile speak up for peace
link“We want the leaders to know the pain of living in exile and the need for true peace back home,” said the 25-year-old, adding that refugees are the most affected people by the conflict and their input... -
International Friendship Day: Forging a friendship through art
linkAfter fleeing his home for Rwanda, Burundian artist Mike has made a friend for life. -
UNHCR chief pays tribute to ‘frontline’ aid workers
linkIn an address to UNHCR staff in Geneva to mark World Humanitarian Day, Grandi emphasized the crucial work carried out by thousands of UNHCR, UN Refugee Agency, colleagues working in duty stations from... -
CCCM Operations Guidance for COVID
linkCCCM partners in Somalia play a critical role in administering site‐level coordination which feeds up to the national level. As a result, it is imperative that CCCM partners are equipped with guidanc... -
CCCM COVID-19 Contingency Plan
linkThere are over 2,000 recorded IDP sites hosting 2.6 m displaced people across Somalia. People displaced to these informal sites are living in precarious conditions. The sites are overcrowded, lack dig... -
Monitoring COVID-19 Impact on Households and Firms in Kenya
linkThe COVID-19 pandemic has affected Kenya creating an urgent need for timely data and evidence to help monitoring and mitigating the impact of the crisis. The World Bank (WB) is carrying out phone surv... -
2500 nouveaux réfugiés Soudanais au Tchad, le HCR coordonne la réponse (Le Sahel)
linkPlus de 80% des personnes arrivant dans la ville frontalière tchadienne d’Adré sont des femmes, des enfants et des personnes âgées qui ont fuient pour sauver leur vie lorsque des affrontements ont écl... -
Tchad: 2 500 nouveaux réfugiés soudanais cherchent la sécurité (Tchad infos)
linkLe HCR, l’agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés, en collaboration avec le gouvernement du Tchad et ses partenaires nationaux, transfère les réfugiés des zones frontalières vers le camp de réfugié... -
Le HCR annonce l’arrivée de nouveaux réfugiés soudanais dans de difficiles conditions de recasement (Le Pays)
linkDans un communiqué rendu public ce mardi 11 août 2020, le haut-commissariat des réfugiés (HRC) au Tchad annonce un recasement des réfugiés soudanais aux frontières vers le camp de Kouchaguine-Moura. U... -
CCCM Somalia Data Portal
linkGiven the conflict, insecurity, drought, and floods an estimated 2.9 million people have been displaced in Somalia. The majority of people have self-settled in over 2,400+ sub-standard IDP sites in ur...