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UN refugee chief welcomes cities’ support for refugees
link“We think that an inclusive approach, based on investment in education and employment, is a much better and more sustainable, more dignified, model that really gives refugees opportunities for the fut... -
UN Refugee Agency, and 35 partners are today jointly appealing for US$296 million to provide desperately needed aid in 2019 to some 345,000 ...
linkChildren, who make up more than half of the refugee population, are bearing the brunt. -
UN General Assembly agrees on an innovative global framework to better serve the forcibly displaced and their host communities.
linkAfter two years of extensive consultations led by UNHCR with member states, international organizations, refugees, civil society, the private business sector and experts, this new global deal will pro... -
Thousands fleeing new violence in South Sudan’s Central Equatoria State
linkSouth Sudanese refugees arrived in DRC by foot over the weekend. Most are women, children and the elderly. They arrived exhausted, hungry and thirsty. -
Tchad: 2 500 nouveaux réfugiés soudanais cherchent la sécurité (Tchad infos)
linkLe HCR, l’agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés, en collaboration avec le gouvernement du Tchad et ses partenaires nationaux, transfère les réfugiés des zones frontalières vers le camp de réfugié... -
Subscribe to interagency contact list
linkLink to subscribe to the Contact List for the Burundi refugee Situation in Tanzania -
Status of refugees in Africa
linkOne on One with Deputy UNHCR Chief Kelly T. Clements (KTN News Kenya) -
South Sudanese in exile speak up for peace
link“We want the leaders to know the pain of living in exile and the need for true peace back home,” said the 25-year-old, adding that refugees are the most affected people by the conflict and their input... -
South Sudanese grow rice, and community ties, in Uganda
linkThis land in Uganda is not hers, but the rice germinating in it is. Thanks to generous neighbours, Queen grows enough to support 22 refugee children in her care. -
South Sudan Peace Talks – The voices of refugees
linkSouth Sudan refugees come face to face with country’s leaders.