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Number of results: 26

  • Phone technology gives refugees in Uganda a cash lifeline

    news UNHCR, 16 Oct 2017 (6 years ago )
    BIDIBIDI, Uganda – Brian Dinga, his sister-in-law and her six children fled their South Sudanese home in September 2016 after his brother was shot dead in fighting. They trekked across the border into Uganda and were accommodated in the world’s largest refugee settlement, Bidibidi, where they str...
  • Refugee Haven, Kampala has become a global example of how best to help people who flee their home country

    news Independent news, 03 Aug 2015 (9 years ago )
    Uganda is a developing country with meagre resources but despite that, the country is leading the way in terms of refugee response. For this, says Charlie Yaxley, the UNHCR Associate External Relations Officer in Kampala, Uganda deserves special praise. “Uganda has a unique policy towards refugees,”...
  • Regional emergencies push Uganda's refugee hosting to breaking point

    news UNHCR, 21 Dec 2015 (8 years ago )
    KAMPALA, Dec. 18 (Xinhua) – Three emergencies in Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) and South Sudan have push the number of refugees and asylum seekers in Uganda to astronomical levels, forcing the east African country to look up to donors for support. Uganda is currently host to 51...
  • South Sudan fighting sees more refugees fleeing into Uganda than in the first 6 months of 2016

    news UNHCR, 26 Jul 2016 (8 years ago )
    Fighting in South Sudan that broke out on 8 July between rival factions loyal to Salva Kiir and Riek Machar has to date forced 37,491 people to flee the country to Uganda. To put this in context: In the past three weeks there have been more refugee arrivals in Uganda than in the entire first six mon...
  • South Sudan refugees call for forgiveness among leaders

    news New Vision, 17 Jan 2018 (6 years ago )
    KAMPALA - A cross-section of South Sudan refugees in Uganda have called on their leaders and all nationals to forgive one another if the country is to attain lasting peace. They noted that the country can never attain peace through violence and hatred like it is today. John Oketch, a former MP...
  • South Sudanese refugees adapt to a new life in Kiryandongo

    news NTV, 05 Jan 2016 (8 years ago )
    South Sudanese refugees adapt to a new life in Kiryandongo. Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement is bursting at the seams, with the authorities saying they are overwhelmed as refugees continuously flee war in South Sudan. There seems to be no end in sight for war that broke out in December 2013 in Ugan...
  • South Sudanese seek a chance to get on with life without fear

    news UNHCR, 03 Nov 2014 (9 years ago )
    ADJUMANI DISTRICT, Uganda, November 3 (UNHCR) – Peter sat in the shade of a large tree in northern Uganda's Adjumani district, still terrified that the violence he and his family left behind will catch up with them once again. "Sometimes my mind thinks maybe someone will come and kill me at night an...
  • South Sudanese, who are again refugees in Uganda, see no reason to ever go home

    news UNHCR, 16 Apr 2014 (10 years ago )
    ADJUMANI, Uganda, April 16 (UNHCR) – When Joseph Anyang Ngong took his family home from Uganda in 2005, he thought a safe and secure future lay before them in Sudan's Bor region. Now that his family are back in Uganda as refugees for a second time, he can see no reason to ever return to South Sudan....
  • Thousands cross into Uganda to escape fighting in South Sudan

    news UNHCR, 07 Jan 2014 (10 years ago )
    KAMPALA, Uganda, January 7 (UNHCR) – The fighting that erupted in South Sudan in mid-December between government troops and opposition forces has forced more than 23,500 people to seek shelter in neighbouring Uganda. "They are now crossing at a rate of up to 2,500 people a day," said UNHCR spokesper...
  • Thousands flee to Uganda after South Sudan flare-up

    news UNHCR, 19 Jul 2016 (8 years ago )
    Nearly 3,000 people fleeing the latest flare-up in South Sudan crossed into Uganda over the weekend and more are expected while tension remains high in the region, the UN refugee agency said today. On Friday and Saturday, 1,326 South Sudanese entered Uganda and a further 1,633 on Sunday. This bro...