
Dashboard on spontaneous return and assisted voluntary repatriation


Afghan Returnees Assistance by UNHCR Dashboard

Power BI


Bangladesh Solar Light Monitoring Dashboard


UNHCR Bulgaria 2024 Regional Refugee Response Plan - Overview

Power BI


RB EHAGL Regional Situation Dashboard

Power BI


RB EHAGL IDP Monthly Statistics

Power BI


RB EHAGL IGAD Situation Dashboard

Power BI


RB EHAGL REF & ASY Monthly Statistics

Power BI


Ukraine Operation: IBCP Monitoring Dashboard

Power BI
Protection Profiling and Monitoring

Intentions and Perspectives of IDPs in Ukraine

Power BI


Operational Context

Power BI


UNHCR Tchad : Afflux de réfugiés camerounais - Evaluation participative - février 2022

Power BI
le Participatory Assessment Tool est une version interactive du rapport de l 'evaluation participative qui a eu lieu entre 16-17 février 2022.

Lebanon - Basic Assistance Sector

Power BI
This online dashboard is linked to the Activity Info Basic Assistance Sector database to help users monitor the reporting of different indicators, identify gaps and extract figures/numbers for their reporting or analysis.

UNHCR Libya Monthly Response Snapshot

Power BI


Common IT Services & Activities

Power BI
This visualization showcases sites in which UNHCR coordinates the delivery of shared communications services to its partners and the wider humanitarian community.

Lebanon - Child Protection Sector


Lebanon - Education Sector


Lebanon Crisis Response Plan 2021 - Reporting Partners

This dashboard will display all partners that are reporting actively on Activity Info 2021 LCRP sectors databases.

Tigray emergency: The people who fled

Just a few weeks ago, they worked as doctors, teachers, artists. One couple were newlyweds. Then the shooting and the shellfire started.

Afghanistan Voluntary Repatriation Dashboard


Afghanistan Community-Based Protection Monitoring


UNHCR Statistics - The World in Numbers

UNHCR Population Statistics Database. http://popstats.unhcr.org

Interoperable Aggregated CFM Model in Somalia


PSMN - Protection Monitoring - Protection Violations


UNHCR Somalia - Persons with Specific Needs - Refugees & Asylum Seeker


Poland: Number of application for Temporary Protection (PESEL)


Regional Intentions Survey (3rd round)


Regional Protection Profiling & Monitoring


2024 RRP Achievements Ukraine Refugee Situation


Ethiopia Assessment Registry


Hungary: 2024 RRP Progress Dashboard

Power BI
A set of common indicators agreed with partners across all RRP countries help ensure the tracking of progress toward the strategic objectives of the RRP in a consistent manner. A core set of sector indicators covering all RRP countries, with additional indicators at country level, measure specific o...

Uganda Country Refugee Response Plan (UCRRP) Information Centre

Please note that this tool includes only featured or key documents to UCRRP. For access to all documents, kindly visit the Uganda Country page on this Data Portal

IDPs, stateless persons, asylum-seekers, refugees and other persons of concern to UNHCR in Ukraine



Ukrainian refugees and asylum-seekers



Slovakia RRP 2024 Activities


UNHCR Angola Presence Dashboard - September 2024 (Portuguese)

Power BI


Romania: Report Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by aid workers


2024 Ukraine Refugee Situation - RRP Achievements


Angola Monthly Report: Kasai Population - September 2024 (Portuguese)

Power BI


Uganda: Inter-Agency Feedback, Referral and Resolution Mechanism

Power BI


UNHCR Angola Presence Dashboard - September 2024

Power BI


RB EHAGL Ethiopia Situation Dashboard

Power BI


RB EHAGL Somalia Situation Dashboard

Power BI


RB EHAGL Burundi Situation Dashboard

Power BI


Factbook - Ukraine Refugee Situation


Romania - Landing Page Inter Agency Dashboards 2024

Power BI


Romania - Basic Needs 2024 Dashboard


Romania - Cash 2024 Dashboard


Romania - Health 2024 Dashboard


Romania - MHPSS 2024 Dashboard


Romania - Livelihoods 2024 Dashboard


Romania - Protection 2024 Dashboard


Romania - Child Protection 2024 Dashboard


Romania - Anti Trafficking 2024 Dashboard


Romania - Education 2024 Dashboard


Romania - GBV 2024 Dashboard


Romania - Inter Sector 2024 Dashboard

Power BI


RB EHAGL South Sudan Situation Dashboard

Power BI


Regional overview of the South Sudan refugee population

Power BI


UNHCR TCHAD| Afflux des Réfugiés du Soudan | Gap Analysis Sites Aménagés | Sites spontantés d'Adré ( février 2024)


Western Balkans Asylum Dashboard


Regional Protection Profiling & Monitoring (Moldova)


Slovakia RRP 2024 Overview


Türkiye - Protection Sector

Power BI


Turkey Inter-Sector Dashboard

Power BI


Türkiye - Education Sector Monthly Dashboard


Türkiye - Economic Empowerment Sector


Marmara - Protection Sector

Power BI


Turkey - Intersectoral CBI Achievements Monthly Dashboard

Power BI


Uganda Refugee Response: Term III 2023 Education Sector Gap Analysis

Power BI


Moldova RRP 2024


UNHCR Bulgaria 2023 Regional Refugee Response Plan - Overview

Power BI


Joint Border Monitoring of Arrivals from Sudan to South Sudan

Power BI


South Sudan: Refugees and Asylum-Seekers Movements and Presence


South Sudan: Emergency Response to the Sudan Crisis 3W


Regional Protection Profiling & Monitoring (Oct 2023 onwards)


Regional Protection Monitoring

Power BI


Hungary: 2024 Refugee Response Plan Overview

Power BI
Through the Refugee Response Plan (RRP), 31 humanitarian partners in Hungary appeal for USD 42.2 million to support Ukrainian refugees. 2 out of 3 partners are national organizations contributing with their local expertise. The Hungary RRP also includes 6 refugee-led organizations, underscoring how ...

Angola Monthly Report: Kasai Population - September 2024

Power BI


Site Mapping & Monitoring


UCRRP - Livelihood & Resilience Sector Quarterly Dashboard


UCRRP - Livelihood & Resilience Sector Quarterly Dashboard - 2023


UCRRP - Environment & Energy Sector Quarterly Dashboard - 2023


UCRRP - Environment & Energy Sector Quarterly Dashboard - 2023


UCRRP - Health & Nutrition Sector Quarterly Dashboard - 2023


UCRRP - Cash Based Intervention Sector Quarterly Dashboard - 2023


UNHCR Libya Rescue At Sea (External)

Power BI


Ukraine Situation in Bulgaria: External

Power BI


Refugee Status Determination Applications

Applications and decisions for International Protection, including CoO, age, gender breakdowns. Data from SAR; public with the possible exception of UASC decisions, for which we're waiting for confirmation

South Sudan Camp Coordination and Camp Management UNHCR Managed / Assisted Sites


CCCM camp profile Central Rakhine State dashboard

Power BI


Regional Intentions Survey Result (3rd Round)


Poland: Refugee Response Plan 2024 overview and reporting


Côte d'Ivoire : Risques de protection et besoins des nouveaux arrivants au Nord


CCCM camp profile Kachin and northern Shan States thematic dashboard

Power BI


CCCM camp profile Kachin and northern Shan States overview dashboard

Power BI


Hungary: Service Mapping

Power BI
The Inter-Agency Service Mapping was launched in February 2023 and provides an interactive map and dashboard, indicating what services are provided in the different counties across Hungary, with the possibility to filter by sector, service, partners, and location. Key contact details are available t...

Côte d'Ivoire: 5W Situation des demandeurs d'asile au Nord


Hungary: 2023 RRP Reporting Overview

Power BI
A set of common indicators agreed with partners across all RRP countries help ensure the tracking of progress toward the strategic objectives of the RRP in a consistent manner. A core set of sector indicators covering all RRP countries, with additional indicators at country level, measure specif...

Romania: Refugee Response Results 2023


Bhasan Char Joint Response Plan Monitoring dashboard

Power BI




Cyclone Shelter Mapping

Power BI


Uganda Refugee Response: Term I 2023 Education Sector Gap Analysis

Power BI




UNHCR BURKINA FASO : Présence opérationnelle

Power BI


Slovakia Assessment Registry


Czech Republic: Temporary Protection Dashboard

Power BI


Czech Republic: 2023 Refugee Response Plan Overview

Power BI




Sites mapping - Bangladesh


Hungary: 2023 Refugee Response Plan Overview

Power BI


Türkiye Earthquake Response: Inter-Agency Assessment Survey Registry Tool


Slovakia RRP 2023 Overview


Türkiye - Back to Learning 2022-2023 Data Monitoring


Poland: Assessment Registry


Poland: Refugee Pupils from Ukraine


WASH Gap Analysis Dashboard


Uganda: Refugee Arrival Movement Monitoring Dashboard

Power BI




2022 - 5W Dashboard


Libya Departure Factsheet


Regional overview of the Burundian refugee population

Power BI


Protection Profiling and Monitoring Factsheet



Power BI


Hungary: 2022 Service Mapping (Budapest)

Power BI



Power BI



Power BI



Power BI



Power BI


Romania: Overview of Temporary Protection Directive

Power BI


Romania: Population Movement Trends

Power BI


3RP Turkey Livelihoods Sector Individual Membership Registration Page

3RP Turkey Livelihoods Sector Individual Membership Registration Page | 3RP Türkiye Geçim Kaynakları Sektörü Bireysel Üyelik Kayıt Sayfası

Democratic Republic of Congo - Voluntary Repatriation National Dashboard as of 30 May 2021

Power BI
Since February 2022, the UNHCR DRC are conducting repatriation operations. Currently, 2,512 individuals have been repatriated to their countries of origin (928 were Central Africans; 896 were Rwandans and 688 were Burundians). The UNHCR received also 205 returnees from other countries such as RSA (1...

Turkey - MHPSS Sector Monthly Dashboard

Power BI


Turkey - Inter-sectoral Social Cohesion Mapping


Republic of Moldova Assessment Registry

Power BI


Republic of Moldova: Daily Population Trends

Power BI


Stateless PowerBI


UNHCR Burkina Faso - Aperçu de la réponse Abris , AME & WASH du HCR

Power BI


UNHCR Burkina Faso - Monitoring des frontières sur les mouvements mixtes

Power BI


Turkey - Basic Needs Sector - Field Achievements

Power BI



Power BI


Lebanon - Livelihood Sector


Lebanon - Social Stability Sector


République Démocratique du Congo - Relocalisation des réfugiés Centrafricains vers le site de Modale au 3 septembre 2021

Power BI


Power BI


Analysis of GBVIMS data


UNHCR’s Age, Gender and Diversity Accountability Report 2020:

UNHCR’s Age, Gender and Diversity Accountability Report 2020:

République Démocratique du Congo - Tableau de bord du Monitoring de Protection - janvier à juin 2021

Power BI


MIMU Assessment Tracking Dashboard - Southeast, Myanmar

Power BI


Power BI


Colombia UNHCR Response 2021


Field offices in Ecuador



Power BI



Power BI


Turkey - Mapping of Municipal Support by Partners

Power BI


Turkey Livelihoods Sector Newsletter


Refugee-like in Armenia Population Estimation - May 2021


Lebanon - Food Security sector


DRC - Dashboard for the registration of new Central African refugees in the DRC

Power BI


Government data on persons from NK in a refugee-like situation in Armenia (March 2021)

Power BI


Child Protection Settlement Dashboard

Power BI


Government data on persons from NK in a refugee-like situation in Armenia (Feb 2021)

Power BI


Livelihoods, food and futures: COVID-19 and the displaced


REF Google Drive


Lebanon PSEA CFM Mapping

Power BI


Armenia: Inter-Agency Refugee Funding Tracking 2021

Power BI


Livelihoods, food and futures: COVID-19 and the displaced


Eradication of statelessness in EHAGL region

Power BI


Power BI


Turkey - Basic Needs Sector

Power BI


Turkey - Livelihoods Sector

Power BI


Türkiye - Health Sector Monthly Dashboard

Power BI


Turkey Education Sector Dashboard

Power BI


Turkey - Food Security and Agriculture Dashboard

Power BI


Turkey - Indicator Guidance Notes

Power BI


Turkey Livelihoods Sector - Ongoing Entrepreneurship Activities

Power BI


RDC - Incidents sécuritaires au Tanganyika en 2020 - 23 décembre 2020

Power BI
Synthèse des incidents sécuritaires dans la province du Tanganyika au 23 décembre 2020

Uganda: FRRM Post-Distribution Monitoring - MHM Kits distribution


COVID-19: The impact of closing borders around the world


DRC: Protection Monitoring Dashboard

Power BI
This dashboard presents protection incidents reported in the DRC as of 31 December 2020.

Uganda: MoH COVID-19 thematic posters & translations (Hema - Tigrinya)


Uganda: Subcounties in refugee hosting districts

ArcGIS web-map

DRC: Dashboard on Response and Gaps in North-Kivu, South-Kivu and Ituri

Power BI
This dashboard presents UNHCR's response to the situation of internally displaced persons in the provinces of North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri.

Population Bubble Map



COVID19 Platform

Power BI


Persons of Concern Location Map



COVID-19 Temporary Measures and Impact on Protection

Power BI
UNHCR has launched the Global Protection Platform which portrays visually the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic is having on aspects of the protection environment for the world’s forcibly displaced.

Uganda: MoH COVID-19 pictorial flyer & translations (sizes A5 and A4)


Uganda: MoH COVID-19 thematic posters & translations (Acholi - French)


DRC: Voluntary Repatriation Dashboard

Power BI
This dashboard is about refugees returnees or repatriated from DRC to their countries of origin as of 31 March 2020.

Uganda: MoH COVID-19 posters & translations (Acholi - Lingala)


Uganda: MoH COVID-19 posters & translations (Leb Thur - Tigrinya)


Uganda: Palorinya Primary Education Gap analysis, Term III 2019

Power BI


Uganda: Palorinya ECD Education Gap analysis, Term III 2019

Power BI


Durable Solutions Factsheet - Libya

Power BI


Evacuation Factsheet - Libya

Power BI


EUROPE - Dead and Missing at sea

Power BI


Statistical Dashboard - Libya

Power BI


3W Perú


Evaluación Regional de Necesidades de Información y Comunicación


Evaluación Regional de Necesidades de Información y Comunicación


Regional Inter-Agency Funding Overview - South Sudan RRRP


Regional overview of the Burundian refugee population

Power BI


Power BI - Migration Influx Ecuador


Power BI GTRM Ecuador Junio 2019


Uganda: DRC Influx Dashboard

Power BI


POWER BI - May 2019


Power BI April 2019 GTRM


Mozambique: Protection Monitoring report for Cidade Da Beira April 2019

Power BI
Report provides overview of Protection monitoring of trends, risks and incidents on POCs in Cidade Da Beira

2019 VAF population report

Power BI
INTERACTIVE LIBRARY TO VIEW AND ACCESS VAF INDICATOR DATA. The 2019 Vulnerability Assessment Framework (VAF) population study explores different types of vulnerability dimensions across multiple sectors from a representative sample of registered Syrian refugees in Jordan. This tool enables you to 1...

Protection Monitoring Interactive Dashboard - 2019

Power BI
The PMTF dashboard provides a picture of the protection threats affecting civilians in non-government-held areas of Syria. Data is collected on the ground on a regular basis, via community-level key informant interviews.

Ethiopia Country RRP - Budget Requirements

Power BI


Uganda Refugee Response Influx Dashboard: arrivals from DR Congo and South Sudan in 2018

Power BI


Protection Monitoring Interactive Dashboard (PMTF)

Power BI
The PMTF dashboard provides a picture of the protection threats affecting civilians in non-government-held areas of Syria. Data is collected on the ground on a regular basis, via community-level key informant interviews and observation checklists.

Jordan Refugee 2018-2019 Winterization Response

Power BI


Regional overview of the Burundian refugee population


Ethiopia Comprehensive Registration

Initiated in 2017, the integration of the Biometric Identity Management System (BIMS) and transition to Level 3 Registration country-wide is ongoing. The process will conclude in early 2019. Click on the link above to review the current status. Level 3 registration data allows refugees to record ess...

3W - Respuesta a Refugiados y Migrantes de Venezuela

Power BI


Water Schemes


CCCM ISIMM Plus site assessment (OPSMAP)



Humanitarian Response in Tanzania: 5W

Power BI


Water points Arua


Uganda Food Distribution



Schools and Sanitation

Arua Schools without Toilets. Created by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) - Uganda


Functional/non-functional. Created by Humanitarian Open Street Map (HOT).

Distance to Education - Arua

Villages points and their distance to the nearest school (by type). Created by Humanitarian Open Street Map (HOT).

Imvepi Shelter Heatmap

Heatmap of existing shelters seen from Satellite in Mvepi. Created by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)

Refugee Settlement Areas in Uganda

Created by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) - Uganda

Shelter/NFI Cluster Turkey hub 4W dashboard

Power BI
Turkey Hub

Syria cross-border response: Shelter/NFI working group 4Ws analysis

Power BI
Jordan Hub, Jan-Oct 2017

Somalia: Internal Displacement

Interactive data visualisation of displacements monitored by UNHCR Protection and Return Monitoring Network (PRMN)

Northern Syria IDP Sites Integrated Monitoring Matrix (ISIMM) Dashboard

CCCM Cluster / UNHCR