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Number of results: 386

  • Yemen's humanitarian crisis worsens as aid delayed

    news Al Jazeera and agencies, 07 Apr 2015 (9 years ago )
    Rebels fighting for the control of Yemen and forces backing President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi have engaged in fierce clashes in the country's south, leaving more than 140 people dead in 24 hours, as the Red Cross faces delays to deliver vital supplies. Monday's clashes happened in Aden, a power ba...
  • Red Cross given permission to deliver aid to Yemen

    news Al Jazeera and agencies, 06 Apr 2015 (9 years ago )
    The International Committee of the Red Cross has said it hopes to bring vital medical supplies and aid workers into Yemen after receiving approval from the Saudi-led military coalition. The aid agency has been negotiating for nearly a week to deliver life-saving supplies and equipment to Yemen, w...
  • War Planes Hit Areas In Gedo In Response To Garissa University Attack

    news AMISOM daily media monitoring, 06 Apr 2015 (9 years ago )
    Residents in Gedo are reporting airstrikes, presumably by Kenyan air forces responding last week’s Garissa university attack. War planes are mostly hitting rural areas suspected to be Al Shabab hideouts. Residents has told Goobjoog that there are casualties but could not confirm the extent. The airs...
  • Why al-Shabab has gained foothold in Kenya

    news Al Jazeera and agencies, 05 Apr 2015 (9 years ago )
    Kenya grieves for 148 lives gone too soon. My country is in shock at the cold-blooded murder of young students in their hostels and lecture halls at Garissa University College. Garissa is the place where I grew up and after Thursday's gruesome attack, life will never be the same again. The scale ...
  • Kenyan leader vows to crush al-Shabab after massacre

    news Al Jazeera and agencies, 05 Apr 2015 (9 years ago )
    Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya's president, has said the al-Shabab assault that killed 148 people at a university is an "attack on humanity" and vowed to take harsh measures against what he called "extremists". Kenyatta also declared three days of national mourning on Saturday, in a televised speech deliv...
  • Convicted Pirates Freed In Yemen Prison Attack Reach Puntland

    news AMISOM daily media monitoring, 05 Apr 2015 (9 years ago )
    Convicted Somali pirates who were freed following an Al Qaeda attack on a prison in the Yemeni city of Mukallah arrived back in Puntland, Garowe Online reports. Speaking on VOA Somali Service on Saturday afternoon, Mahdi Isse said he was serving a sentence in the prison after he was convicted of tak...
  • Somalia Calls For Closer Security Ties After ‘Barbaric’ Kenya Massacre

    news AMISOM daily media monitoring, 03 Apr 2015 (9 years ago )
    Somalia and Kenya must boost security cooperation between them, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said Friday, as he offered his condolences a day after “barbaric” Islamist gunmen massacred 147 students. Mohamud said he mourned the “lives of innocent students” killed in the university in the no...
  • UN says Yemen 'on verge of total collapse'

    news Aljazeera: Agencies, 01 Apr 2015 (9 years ago )
    An earlier version of this article mentioned that MSF had received more than 550 patients in Aden since March 19 "as a result of the Saudi-led bombing". This mention was removed, as this line was not in the original MSF statement. UN rights chief has said that Yemen is "on the verge of total coll...
  • Don't let the US try and solve Arab world problems

    news Aljazeera, 31 Mar 2015 (9 years ago )
    Just a decade ago, in June 2005, Condoleezza Rice visited Cairo to make what the State Department had advertised as a major foreign policy address. "For 60 years," the US secretary of state declared, the United States had "pursued stability at the expense of democracy in this region here in the M...
  • Artillery fire kills 26 as battle for Aden rages

    news Al Jazeera and agencies, 31 Mar 2015 (9 years ago )
    Artillery shelling in Aden has killed 26 people, medical officials have said, as Houthi fighters and forces loyal to Yemen President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi battled over control of the southern port city. The deaths on Tuesday came as Saudi-led coalition fighter planes continued raids on Houthi po...