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Number of results: 6471

  • President U Thein Sein meets 88 Generation Peace and Open Society Group

    news President Office, 15 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    President U Thein Sein held talks with the 88 Generation Peace and Open Society Group led by U Min Ko Naing at the meeting hall of farmer educative mechanized farming model plantation (500-acre) here this morning. They held a cordial discussion on emergence of all-inclusive political process for en...
  • First draft for nationwide ceasefire ready for perusal

    news Shan Herald, 13 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    The joint Karen-Shan technical team and the government established Myanmar Peace Center (MPC) completed the first draft of the Nationwide Ceasefire Accord during a 2-day meeting which ended yesterday, 12 September, according to Sao Yawd Serk, leader of the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan Stat...
  • KNU supports Karen businesses

    news Karen News, 12 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    The Karen National Union in a move to get behind locally owned businesses has offered its support to Karen entrepreneurs. The Karen National Union’s Mergui-Tavoy District said it is ready to offer its support to Karen companies wanting to set up business in its area. In a recent meeting in Dawei, ...
  • Myanmar's new national land use plan in pipeline

    news Channel News Asia, 12 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    NAYPYIDAW: Myanmar aims to release a new national land use plan which will outline the areas for urban development by end next year. This plan will help to systematically allocate reserved land for future urban use. It is also hoped such a plan will help control rising property prices. Prop...
  • USDP committee begins review of all constitutional drafts since 1947

    news Eleven Newsmedia, 12 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    The central executive committee of the ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party has begun making observations on all previous drafts of the Constitution—including the 2008 Constitution—as part of measures to amend necessary clauses prescribed in 2008, said Htay Oo, vice-chairman of the ruling p...
  • Foreign investment has created 20,000 jobs in Burma since April

    news Democratic Voice of Burma, 12 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    Around 20,000 jobs have been created in Burma during the current fiscal year thanks to the increase in foreign direct investment (FDI), according to government data. In the first five months of the 2013-14 fiscal year (April to August inclusive), FDI topped US$1.8 billion, mostly focused in the g...
  • KNU lobby Govt speaker on land grabs and ceasefire

    news Karen News, 12 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    Karen National Union (KNU) leaders based in southern Burma have called on the parliament speaker, Thura Shwe Mann, to help move forward the the ‘cease-fire code of conduct’ between the KNU and the government. P’doh Saw Beeler, Joint Secretary of KNU’s Mergui-Tavoy District, urged Thura Shwe Mann wh...
  • Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi discusses democracy with top Polish lawmakers

    news AP, 11 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    WARSAW, Poland - Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has met speakers of Poland's parliament to discuss ways of building democracy that could help in reforming her own country. The Nobel Peace Prize winner is on a visit to Europe's young democracies, which shed communism two decades ago, t...
  • ABSDF to open liaison office in Karen state

    news Mizzima, 10 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    The All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF) Secretary Sonny, told Mizzima on September 9 that they were having discussions with the Karen state government to open a liaison office in Myawaddy town in Karen state. “We came here to discuss with the Karen state government for opening a liaison ...
  • Myanmar to convene next parliament sessions on Oct. 1

    news Xinhua, 10 Sep 2013 (10 years ago )
    The 8th regular separate sessions of Myanmar parliament's two houses -- Lower and Upper as well as the two-house union parliament session will be all convened on Oct. 1, state radio and TV reported, quoting an announcement of the parliament. The last 7th regular sessions of the parliament lasted ...