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    Bi-weekly Operational Update, External -UNHCR Bangladesh

    As of 5 February
    Publish date: 9 February 2018 (6 years ago)
    Create date: 9 February 2018 (6 years ago)
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    Bangladesh: Population Data Analysis

    as of 31 January 2018
    Publish date: 7 February 2018 (6 years ago)
    Create date: 7 February 2018 (6 years ago)
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    UNHCR Bangladesh - Operational Response Dashboard

    as of 03 Fabruary 2018 or latest figures available
    Publish date: 6 February 2018 (6 years ago)
    Create date: 6 February 2018 (6 years ago)
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    Weekly Operational Update, External -UNHCR Bangladesh

    As of 22 January
    Publish date: 19 January 2018 (6 years ago)
    Create date: 19 January 2018 (6 years ago)
  • The 190 active community outreach members (COMs), which cover four areas of Kutupalong, including the makeshift, Nayapara extension area and Chakmarkul, have conducted over 150 home visits and more than 210 information sessions, reaching out to some 3,500 refugees. Forty cases under monitoring have been resolved after actions by COMs and partners this week.
    highlight 19 Jan 2018 (6 years ago)
    Bangladesh / Myanmar - Asylum-seekers
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    Weekly Operational Update, External -UNHCR Bangladesh

    As of 07 January
    Publish date: 12 January 2018 (6 years ago)
    Create date: 12 January 2018 (6 years ago)
  • Arrivals from Myanmar have significantly decreased, with over 2,200 refugees crossing into Bangladesh from 1 to 26 December, compared to over 12,700 in November.
    highlight 12 Jan 2018 (6 years ago)
    Bangladesh / Myanmar - Asylum-seekers
  • The second phase of UNHCR’s shelter strategy is underway in preparation for the monsoon season. Since November, UNHCR and its partners has distributed some 27,600 upgraded shelter kits, composed of bamboo poles, ropes, tools, and tarpaulins, to help refugees build sturdier homes. Since November 2017, over 27,500 kits were distributed. In four days only, UNHCR’s partner ADRA completed the distribution for more than 2,600 families in Charmakul / Karantoli. In addition, UNHCR continues to collaborate with the Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC) to identify areas, which have the highest risk of landslides and to mobilize partners to prepare the sites for the upcoming rains.
    highlight 11 Jan 2018 (6 years ago)
    Bangladesh / Myanmar - Asylum-seekers
  • UNHCR teams conducted a mapping of latrine and tube wells in two zones of Kutupalong to analyze the distribution of facilities in the zones and better assess whether coverage is sufficient in the area. So far, over 200 WASH facilities have been mapped. This exercise has shown an urgent need for desludging and for additional latrines. UNHCR and partners are already planning the constructions of 10 latrines and four tube wells in one zone of Kutupalong. These will cater for 500 and 2,000 people respectively.
    highlight 11 Jan 2018 (6 years ago)
    Bangladesh / Myanmar - Asylum-seekers
  • As part of their winterization activities, UNHCR and its partners are continuing to distribute shawls and sweaters as the temperatures decrease. A total of 20,458 shawls were distributed as of 20 December. UNHCR is also distributing, through its partners, sweaters for children under five. In Nayapara, the military agreed for UNHCR to use its distribution point, which will increase the outreach from 526 families to 1,200 families during each distribution that takes place four times a week.
    highlight 30 Dec 2017 (6 years ago)
    Bangladesh / Myanmar - Asylum-seekers