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WB - A Multi-Country Analysis of Multidimensional Poverty in Contexts of Forced Displacement
documentThis paper by the WB examines multidimensional poverty among forcibly displaced populations, using a gendered lens. A tailored measure of multidimensional poverty is developed and applied for refugees...Publish date: 31 October 2021 (2 years ago)
Create date: 29 November 2021 (2 years ago) -
WB - The Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement : A Synthesis of New Research
documentWhile there have been welcome advances in global evidence on and understanding of forced displacement, research and analysis of the gendered dimensions of displacement have been limited. The Gender Di...Publish date: 26 January 2022 (2 years ago)
Create date: 10 February 2022 (2 years ago) -
Rebuilding Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture in Somalia, FAO and WB, 2018
documentThe report canvasses all available information to document how Somalia’s livestock and crops subsectors have been buffeted by deteriorating water and transport infrastructure, persistent insecurity, w...Publish date: 1 May 2018 (6 years ago)
Create date: 16 October 2020 (3 years ago) -
Assessment of Forest Resource Degradation and Intervention Options in Refugee-Hosting Areas of Western and Southwestern Uganda
documentBetween February and July 2019, the World Bank commissioned the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to undertake an ‘Assessment of Forest Resource Degradation and Interventio...Publish date: 28 February 2020 (4 years ago)
Create date: 3 March 2020 (4 years ago) -
Mauritania: Refugee Policy Review
documentRefugee Policy Review as at 30 June 2020 for World Bank’s Mid Term Review of IDA19 Window for Host Communities and RefugeesPublish date: 10 March 2022 (2 years ago)
Create date: 7 April 2022 (2 years ago) -
WB - World Bank Engagement in Situations of Conflict - November 2021
documentAn Evaluation of FY10–20 Experience: The purpose of this evaluation is to surface lessons to inform early implementation of the World Bank’s FCV strategy in situations of conflict. The evaluation a...Publish date: 17 November 2021 (2 years ago)
Create date: 1 December 2021 (2 years ago) -
World Bank - A Development Approach to Advancing Gender Engagement and Addressing Gender Inequalities in Fragile, Conflict, and Violent Situ...
documentFragility, Conflict, and Violence (FCV) affects women, men, girls, and boys differently. FCV tends to exacerbate gender disparities in education, health, economic participation, voice, and agency. The...Publish date: 24 June 2024 (2 months ago)
Create date: 3 July 2024 (2 months ago) -
Economic Inclusion for the Poorest and COVID-19 - Draft Policy Note
documentDraft Policy Note - Economic Inclusion for the Poorest and COVID-19: Adaptation and Early Priorities for Medium- and Longer-Term RecoveryPublish date: 18 June 2020 (4 years ago)
Create date: 7 July 2020 (4 years ago) -
World Bank: Socioeconomic Impacts of COVID-19 in Kenya - March 2021
documentThis brief summarizes the key results of the Kenya COVID-19 Rapid Response Phone Survey (RRPS) tracking the socioeconomic impacts of the crisis from May 2020 to March 2021Publish date: 6 April 2021 (3 years ago)
Create date: 8 April 2021 (3 years ago) -
World Bank - Multidimensionality of Land Ownership among Men and Women in Sub-Saharan Africa
documentAcross Sub-Saharan African countries with customary tenure systems and low levels of documented land ownership, there are limited nationally representative insights on men and women landowners’ rights...Publish date: 13 January 2022 (2 years ago)
Create date: 18 January 2022 (2 years ago)