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Number of results: 349

  • Some 257 women and youth owned businesses from Lusaka, Meheba, Mayukwayukwa and Mantapala refugee settlements were supported with business grants to help them recover their small-scale businesses. A total of 5,440 people of concern (PoCs) in the three refugee settlements have undertaken COVID-19 tests since the pandemic began in March 2020. At the end of October 2021, UNHCR submitted 169 cases comprising 643 refugees for resettlement consideration. Most of the resettlement departures were to Nordic countries.
    highlight 02 Dec 2021 (2 years ago)
  • Some 257 women and youth owned businesses from Lusaka, Meheba, Mayukwayukwa and Mantapala refugee settlements were supported with business grants to help them recover their small-scale businesses. A total of 5,440 people of concern (PoCs) in the three refugee settlements have undertaken COVID-19 tests since the pandemic began in March 2020. At the end of October 2021, UNHCR submitted 169 cases comprising 643 refugees for resettlement consideration. Most of the resettlement departures were to Nordic countries.
    highlight 02 Dec 2021 (2 years ago)
  • Over a period of three weeks, from 21 December 2021, a total of 300 Congolese were repatriated from Zambia’s Mantapala settlement IN Luapula Province to Pweto, Haute Kantanga, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The 300 were repatriated in weekly convoys of 100 individuals.
    highlight 28 Jan 2022 (2 years ago)
  • 97 Congolese refugees (32 households) were repatriated from Mantapala settlement to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in the first week of January, In January, WFP distributed cash for food assistance, under the Cash-based Transfer (CBT) programme, to 16,965 refugees (8,309 men and 8,656 women) in Mantapala settlement. UNHCR’s livelihoods partner, Caritas Czech Republic (CCR) commenced the distribution of agricultural tools to 526 families out of the targeted 672 families in Meheba refugee settlement. received the tools. .
    highlight 20 Mar 2022 (2 years ago)
  • IN FEBRUARY 2022 UNHCR referred 197 refugees for resettlement to Sweden. The Office also facilitated the US Citizenship and Immigration Service and Resettlement Support Center Circuit Rides to process 837 and 392 refugees respectively. 1,080 refugee households (4,377 individuals) from the DRC in Mantapala settlement have expressed intention to return. Some 263 households are ready to return immediately when voluntary repatriation will reassume. A total of 9,701 (M:4,264; F:5437) out patient department (OPD) consultations were made in urban areas and in the three refugee settlements with 22% (2,095) being members of the host community.
    highlight 10 May 2022 (2 years ago)
  • The registration of refugee families who wish to voluntarily repatriate continued in Mantapala settlement, with the cumulative number of individuals now registered for voluntary return standing at 11,031 comprising 2,698 families. The Resettlement Team in Zambia continued to submit cases to meet the 200 individual quota allocated by Finland with a possibility of over submission by a margin of 40 individuals to attain a total of 240. individuals. In coordination with partners, WFP distributed cash for monthly food assistance to 17,546 refugees (8,936 females and 8,610 males) in Mantapala settlement 297 new asylum-seekers arrived in Zambia in May mainly from the DRC. 47,911 Individuals were reached with messages on communicable diseases such as Covid-19 under Risk Communication. 14,376 Individuals received out-patient department (OPD) consultation services in May in the three refugee settlements and urban areas.
    highlight 10 Aug 2022 (2 years ago)
  • The registration of refugee families who wish to voluntarily repatriate continued in Mantapala settlement, with the cumulative number of individuals now registered for voluntary return standing at 11,031 comprising 2,698 families. The Resettlement Team in Zambia continued to submit cases to meet the 200 individual quota allocated by Finland with a possibility of over submission by a margin of 40 individuals to attain a total of 240. individuals. In coordination with partners, WFP distributed cash for monthly food assistance to 17,546 refugees (8,936 females and 8,610 males) in Mantapala settlement 297 new asylum-seekers arrived in Zambia in May mainly from the DRC. 47,911 Individuals were reached with messages on communicable diseases such as Covid-19 under Risk Communication. 14,376 Individuals received out-patient department (OPD) consultation services in May in the three refugee settlements and urban areas.
    highlight 10 Aug 2022 (2 years ago)
  • Some 9,189 additional refugees were registered in Zambia (2,777 asylum-seekers, 2,060 births and 4,352 in-situ) between 1 January and 31 August 2022. Some 75 per cent are from the Democratic Democratic Republic of the Congo. 1,087 refugee files were submitted to resettlement countries from 1 January to 31 August 2022. 756 refugees were resettlement to USA, Sweden and Finland. A total of 17,800 learners enrolled in early childhood education , primary and secondary schools in Zambia’s three refugee settlements. Over 250 refugee students are enrolled in different universities in Zambia.
    highlight 15 Sep 2022 (2 years ago)
  • Some 9,189 additional refugees were registered in Zambia (2,777 asylum-seekers, 2,060 births and 4,352 in-situ) between 1 January and 31 August 2022. Some 75 per cent are from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). 1,087 refugee files were submitted to resettlement countries from 1 January to 31 August 2022. 756 refugees were resettlement to USA, Sweden and Finland. A total of 17,800 learners enrolled in early childhood education, primary and secondary schools in Zambia’s three refugee settlements. Over 250 refugee students are enrolled in different universities in Zambia.
    highlight 15 Sep 2022 (2 years ago)
  • UNHCR and its education partner Caritas Czech Republic (CCR) completed the enrolment of 200 (males 123 and females 77) refugees at Cavendish University Zambia (CUZ) under the UNHCR/CUZ scholarships.
    highlight 01 Nov 2022 (1 year ago)