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While more than 58,000 refugees have returned to Burundi since mid-2017, hundreds of refugees still flee Burundi each month, and UNHCR urges governments in the region to maintain open borders and access to asylum for those who need it.highlight 07 Mar 2019 (5 years ago)
West African artists join in the UNHCR #Ibelong campaign for women to be able to pass on their nationality, Kora, March 10, 2015 EN SAVOIRhighlight 10 Mar 2015 (9 years ago)
We are pleased to share with you the 2019 mid-year report on the South Sudan Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRRP) and the country mid-year reports from the DRC, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, and Uganda. So far thanks to your support and efforts we managed to: Provide 1.27 million South Sudanese refugees with food assistance Ensure 11,500 South Sudanese refugee mothers delivered their babies safely with the assistance of qualified personnel Assist 322,000 South Sudanese refugee children to attend early childhood development, primary or secondary school Plant 622,000 new seedlings and reforest 2,911 hectares of land in Uganda, Kenya and Sudan in an effort to address environmental degradationhighlight 02 Oct 2019 (5 years ago)
We are pleased to announce that the Joint Refugee Return and Reintegration Plan (JRRRP), an integrated inter-agency response plan to ensure the sustainable return and reintegration of Burundi refugees from the five main countries of asylum (Tanzania, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda and Kenya) is now available online. The JRRRP articulates the joint strategy to receive voluntarily repatriating refugees and provide both humanitarian and development oriented community-based response activities reaching an estimated 74,000 assisted and self -organized refugee returns in 2017and 2018, up to 116,000 refugee returns projected for 2019, as well as an additional 82,000 community members in the six main provinces of return. The plan brings together 19 partners within Burundi, including Government ministries, UN agencies and NGOs with a rationale to assist displacement affected communities in Burundi by strengthening their absorption capacity and resilience. While UNHCR is of the opinion conditions in Burundi are not currently conducive to promote returns, UNHCR and partners are supporting a solutions oriented approach by assisting refugees who indicate they have made a free and informed choice to voluntarily return. More than 75,000 refugees have returned to Burundi through the assisted voluntary repatriation program since September 2017, while others have returned on their own, citing the wish to return to their houses and farms, and to reunite with family. With respect to recent media statements by the governments of Tanzania and Burundi about plans to repatriate refugees more quickly on a bilateral basis, UNHCR continues to call upon the commitment of both governments to uphold international obligations and ensure that any returns are voluntary and conducted in line with the Tripartite Agreement and as reaffirmed at the Tripartite Commission Meetings of August 2017 and March 2018. UNHCR is also urging all States to ensure that no refugee is returned to Burundi against their will, and that measures are taken to make conditions in Burundi more conducive for refugee returns including confidence building efforts and reintegration support for those who have chosen to go home.highlight 16 Sep 2019 (5 years ago)
WFP'S CASH-BASED TRANSFER PROGRAM IN EAST DARFUR A SUCCESS: In 2019, WFP’s cash-based transfers to all South Sudanese refugees in Al Nimir refugee camp (home to more than 12,800 refugees in East Darfur State), have enabled many to rent land and farm their own crops by providing them with the capital they need to purchase the inputs they need and fund land access. Previously, most refugees in the camp were only able to work as labourers on host community farms. UNHCR is discussing with a private sector company how to include the refugee production of peanuts in the already existing host-community value chainhighlight 31 Dec 2019 (5 years ago)
WFP to reduce food rations by 50% for refugees in Kenya due to funding constraints.highlight 15 Nov 2014 (10 years ago)
WFP resumes full food rations in Kenya. US$45 million have been raised.highlight 01 Jan 2015 (10 years ago)
WFP ration cut of 50% began on 27 Jan 2015 targeting refugees who arrived in Uganda before July 2013 as the Agency struggles to raise an additional US$30 mill.highlight 27 Jan 2015 (10 years ago)
WFP introduces food vouchers in Kenya's refugee camps. First distribution are planned for June 2015 in Kakuma and October 2015 in Dadaab.highlight 26 Mar 2015 (9 years ago)
WFP flags ongoing pipeline breaks are interrupting general food distribution to South Sudanese refugees across Sudan. Breaks are linked to Sudan's economic crisis and recent import restrictions.highlight 15 Feb 2018 (6 years ago)