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  • MEASLES AND POLIO CAMPAIGNS – Countrywide measles and polio vaccination campaign was launched in April. The vaccination campaign is part of the response to the measles outbreak that affected all Sudan States since November 2018, with over 5,959 cases reported across resident, host and refugee communities. The campaign is targeting 3.4 million children between 9 months and 10 years of age for measles, and below 5 years of age for polio. The vaccination campaign is being paired with health promotion initiatives to raise awareness of the benefits of the measles vaccine and support symptom recognition and reporting by communities at risk.
    highlight 30 Apr 2019 (5 years ago)
    Sudan Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • DETERIORATING SECURITY SITUATION SLOWED REFUGEE OPERATIONS IN JUNE – Sudan's security situation deteriorated in June, with reports of increased violence and criminality, including sexual and gender-based violence, across most States hosting South Sudanese refugees. A nationwide internet shutdown began on 3 June, with nearly 50 per cent of response partners without internet access throughout June. Response partners reported difficulties accessing their offices due to movement restrictions in Khartoum for a number of days. Price fluctuations observed since the beginning of 2019 worsened with scarcity of many goods in local markets. Cash shortages continued throughout June, aggravated by bank closures during a general strike from 9-11 June. Where banks were open, lack of internet disrupted banking services. Distribution activities were delayed in many locations due to the security situation and fuel shortages, including education supplies.
    highlight 15 Jun 2019 (5 years ago)
    Sudan Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • OVER 7,000 SOUTH SUDANESE REFUGEES IN KHARTOUM ARE NEWLY DISPLACED FOLLOWING ATTACKS IN KHARTOUM – Host community attacks on South Sudanese refugees in Khartoum on 6-7 June led to the displacement of over 7,000 refugees who fled to safety in Bantiu ‘Open Area’ settlement in Khartoum and Um Sangour camp in White Nile State. Refugees in other ‘Open Areas’ in Khartoum also reported that host communities have demanded that refugees leave their settlements and are blaming them for increased criminal activity in Khartoum. UNCHR, COR, UNICEF and other partners have supported the newly displaced refugees in Khartoum’s Bantiu ‘Open Area’ with Non-Food Items (NFI), registration and protection support. In White Nile camps, displaced families are being registered and receiving emergency food from WFP and NFI assistance from UNHCR and partners.
    highlight 30 Jun 2019 (5 years ago)
    Sudan South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • OVER 1,000 REFUGEES NEWLY ARRIVED IN JUNE – Majority of refugees arrived in West and South Kordofan States, followed by White Nile, South Darfur and White Nile States. Lower arrival flows are typical of this time of year with the start of the rainy season in South Sudan and in border entry areas in Sudan, when roads become impassable and rivers and Wadis (Valleys) have flooded in many areas. While arrival rates are slower than in previous years, current movements suggest that there continues to be assistance disruptions in border areas or that people are blocked from accessing assistance. Reports from new arrivals in South Kordofan indicate ongoing insecurity and very high food insecurity in areas of origin in Unity and Northern Bahr El Ghazal States in South Sudan. Add total new arrivals in 2019 as of 30 June.
    highlight 30 Jun 2019 (5 years ago)
    Sudan Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • UNHCR is not promoting voluntary repatriation of Burundian refugees, it supports the exercise to ensure that all returns are safe and dignified, and the result of a free and informed choice.
    highlight 07 Aug 2019 (4 years ago)
    / Burundi - Refugees
  • Majority of Burundian refugees in Rwanda are engaged in agriculture. An average of 312 refugees per day were employed in Moringa tree plantation near Mahama refugee camp.
    highlight 31 Jul 2019 (4 years ago)
    / Burundi - Refugees
  • On 30 June, a first case of Ebola was confirmed in Ariwara, Aru Territory, DRC. In order to strengthen preventive measures to contain the virus, UNHCR and its partners conducted four mass sensitization sessions in Biringi, Aru and Aba targeting refugees and host community members.
    highlight 07 Aug 2019 (4 years ago)
    / Burundi - Refugees / South Sudan - Refugees
  • In June 2019, UNHCR undertook survey of South Sudanese refugees on intention of return and to identify the impediments preventing return, as perceived and conveyed by the refugees. The intention survey will also help guide planning for refugee operations in 2020-2021 as well as to enhance evidence-based decision making for the protection and solutions for South Sudan refugees and returnees.
    highlight 07 Aug 2019 (4 years ago)
    / South Sudan - Refugees
  • As of 18 June 2019, merely 27.9 million USD was received out of the total requirements of 106 million USD for the 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) for Burundi which includes the humanitarian needs of Burundian returnees. Out of the 31.4 million USD specifically required to support sustainable return and reintegration; less than 600,000 USD has been received thus far.
    highlight 15 Jul 2019 (5 years ago)
    / Burundi - Refugees
  • In Uganda, the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) jointly released the revised 2019-2020 Uganda Refugee Response Plan (RRP). The revision is a result of an exercise of planning figures, targets and budgets with a reduced refugee population as of year-end 2018 which started last February.
    highlight 01 Jul 2019 (5 years ago)
    / Burundi - Refugees / South Sudan - Refugees