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Number of results: 824

  • Refugee registration/verification exercise on going in Juba
    highlight 11 Feb 2013 (11 years ago)
    South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • Documents for release of WASH pipelines supplies are available. Dowload in the Webportal Home Page, Documents>Updates Section.
    highlight 05 Feb 2013 (11 years ago)
    South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • UNHCR, WHO and the GoSS confirmed a surge of Hepatitis E in Upper Nile Refugee Camps: 3,319 cases and 69 deaths since July 2012.
    highlight 27 Jan 2013 (11 years ago)
    South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • UNHCR facilitated a meeting between Yida Refugee Leaders and the Chiefs of villages near Ajuong Thok, the site of the new refugee camp UNHCR will open in March.
    highlight 24 Jan 2013 (11 years ago)
    South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • Verification exercise in Yida ended today.The active camp population is 54.992, including new arrivals. A detailed profile report of the population will follow.
    highlight 17 Dec 2012 (11 years ago)
    South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • Starting from 14/12/12 Unity and Upper Nile weekly meetings will be merged into one Weekly Refugee Coordination Meeting, to be held at UNHCR Juba.
    highlight 10 Dec 2012 (11 years ago)
    South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • Start of the holy month of Ramadan sees dramatic decrease in new Somali arrivals to Ethiopia's Dollo Ado.
    highlight 01 Aug 2012 (12 years ago)
    Ethiopia Yemen / Somalia - Refugees Uganda / Somalia - Refugees Tanzania (Democratic Republic of) / Somalia - Refugees Somalia / Somalia - IDPs Kenya / Somalia - Refugees Ethiopia / Somalia - Refugees Eritrea / Somalia - Refugees Egypt / Somalia - Refugees Djibouti / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - IDPs
  • New arrivals continued to arrive in Dollo Ado in large numbers. The daily arrival average for the second half of May was 141 individuals.
    highlight 04 Jun 2012 (12 years ago)
    Ethiopia Yemen / Somalia - Refugees Uganda / Somalia - Refugees Tanzania (Democratic Republic of) / Somalia - Refugees Somalia / Somalia - IDPs Kenya / Somalia - Refugees Ethiopia / Somalia - Refugees Eritrea / Somalia - Refugees Egypt / Somalia - Refugees Djibouti / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - IDPs
  • A total of 948 new arrivals was received at the Dollo Ado Reception Centre between 21-25 May - mainly from Bay Bakol and Gedo region.
    highlight 28 May 2012 (12 years ago)
    Ethiopia Yemen / Somalia - Refugees Uganda / Somalia - Refugees Tanzania (Democratic Republic of) / Somalia - Refugees Somalia / Somalia - IDPs Kenya / Somalia - Refugees Ethiopia / Somalia - Refugees Eritrea / Somalia - Refugees Egypt / Somalia - Refugees Djibouti / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - IDPs
  • A total of 600 new arrivals was received at the Dollo Ado Reception Centre during the last week. However in the last 2 days the average was of 174 per day.
    highlight 22 May 2012 (12 years ago)
    Ethiopia Yemen / Somalia - Refugees Uganda / Somalia - Refugees Tanzania (Democratic Republic of) / Somalia - Refugees Somalia / Somalia - IDPs Kenya / Somalia - Refugees Ethiopia / Somalia - Refugees Eritrea / Somalia - Refugees Egypt / Somalia - Refugees Djibouti / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - Refugees / Somalia - IDPs