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Number of results: 386

  • Host Community Supported by UNHCR in Dollo Ado, Ethiopia

    news UNHCR Dollo Ado, 20 Dec 2011 (12 years ago )
    Ethiopia's Dollo Ado area received a visit, Mon Dec 19, from the heads of both UNHCR and the government of Ethiopia's refugee agency, ARRA. UNHCR Representative, Moses Okello, joined Ayalew Aweke of ARRA, in meeting with the District Commissioner of Dollo Ado, to discuss issues affecting the Distric...
  • Twin blasts in Dadaab raise concerns of worsening security

    news UNHCR Web Site, 21 Dec 2011 (12 years ago )
    GENEVA, December 21 (UNHCR) – An improvised explosive device went off on Tuesday near the market at the Ifo refugee camp in Dadaab, Kenya. There were no casualties but a police vehicle was damaged. The explosion came just a day after a blast in nearby Hagadera camp killed one police officer and seri...
  • UNHCR alarmed over recent security incidents at Dadaab

    news UNHCR Web Site, 21 Dec 2011 (12 years ago )
    <P>UNHCR is alarmed by a string of recent security incidents targeting the Dadaab refugee complex in northern Kenya. Dadaab is the world's largest refugee settlement and shelters more than 460,000 people. <P>An explosion on Monday at the Hagadera camp killed one person and seriously injured two p...
  • Emergenza Etiopia

    news, 20 Dec 2011 (12 years ago )
    Un essere umano su sette soffre la fame. Ma se ne parla quasi soltanto in occasione di eventi fuori dal comune, come la siccità di portata eccezionale che ha colpito il Corno d’Africa quest’anno. Aggravata da una situazione di guerra in Somalia, ha provocato una nuova ondata di profughi verso i camp...
  • Etiopia: un sogno chiamato tenda

    news, 22 Dec 2011 (12 years ago )
    Il viaggio, la fame, la miseria ... sperando in una nuova vita Un essere umano su sette soffre la fame. Ma se ne parla quasi soltanto in occasione di eventi fuori dal comune, come la siccità di portata eccezionale che ha colpito il Corno d’Africa quest’anno. Aggravata da una situazione di gue...
  • The Crisis Continues: Dollo Ado to Open its Fifth Camp

    news Think Africa Press, 19 Nov 2011 (12 years ago )
    An extremely high level of malnutrition is apparent in Ethiopia's Dollo Ado refugee camps, which continue to expand in response to the on-going crisis in the Horn of Africa. <P>Dollo Ado, Ethiopia: <P>Malnutrition and overcrowding remain a real cause for concern in Dollo Ado, a collection of r...
  • Horn of Africa Special/Speciale Corno d'Africa

    news RSI/Swiss Radio & Television, 03 Jan 2012 (12 years ago )
    December 2011 Swiss Television documentary on the situation in Dollo Ado's refugee camps, with particular emphasis on the Transit Centre and newly opened fifth camp, Bur Amino. <P>Italian Language.
  • Refugee Camps in the Horn of Africa at Risk

    news UNHCR, 13 Jan 2012 (12 years ago )
    UNHCR is increasingly concerned about insecurity in and around camps hosting hundreds of thousands of Somali refugees in the Horn of Africa. The situation is particularly worrying, complex and tenuous in the Dadaab refugee camps in northern Kenya where the threat of improvised explosive devices,...
  • Polio Fears in Ethiopian Refugee Camp

    news UNHCR, 24 Jan 2012 (12 years ago )
    This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Melissa Fleming – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at the press briefing, on 24 January 2012, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. UNHCR is very concerned at reports this week of two suspected poliomyelitis cases among Somali refugee...
  • Sudanese Refugees Victims of Air Raid

    news Voice of America, 25 Jan 2012 (12 years ago )
    At least one Sudanese refugee was injured and 14 others are missing following an air raid Monday in South Sudan. The U.N. refugee agency says the attack occurred in Upper Nile State where Sudanese refugees have sought refuge from violence back home. Sudanese refugees have been crossing the border...