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Number of results: 386

  • Al Shabaab kills three Somali soldiers in latest Ramadan attack

    news Source: Reuters - Tue, 1 Jul 2014 12:04 GMT, 01 Jul 2014 (10 years ago )
    MOGADISHU, July 1 (Reuters) - Al Shabaab militants shot dead three Somali soldiers in the capital Mogadishu on Tuesday, their fourth attack since the start of the Ramadan fasting month that the Islamists have threatened to target. Sheikh Abdiasis abu Musab, al Shabaab's spokesman for military aff...
  • Air strikes target ex-Yemen president Saleh's residence

    news Al Jazeera and agencies, 10 May 2015 (9 years ago )
    Warplanes from the coalition led by Saudi Arabia has bombed the residence of Ali Abdullah Saleh in the capital, Sanaa, but Yemen's former president is believed to be safe, witnesses have said. Three air strikes hit Saleh's residence early on Sunday morning, but the president and his family are "w...
  • Air raids and ground clashes rage in Yemen

    news AP, 26 Apr 2015 (9 years ago )
    Fighter jets from the Saudi-led coalition battling Shia rebels in Yemen have struck targets in several provinces, including the capital Sanaa, security officials said, as fighting raged across the country. Sunday's air strikes began just after midnight, officials said, hitting a military base kno...
  • Aid agencies access new areas to get a grip on humanitarian needs

    news UNSOM, 03 Jun 2014 (10 years ago )
    Aid agencies, led by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), travelled to Maaxas in Hiraan Region on 28 May to assess the humanitarian situation on the ground. Maaxas is the fifth of ten newly accessible areas recovered from Al Shabaab control by the Somalia Na...
  • Aid Organizations Start Mass Vaccinations of Somali Refugee Children

    news Epoch Times, 07 Aug 2011 (12 years ago )
    Aid organizations and the Ethiopian government have started a large-scale vaccination program for Somali refugee children in Ethiopian camps hoping to counteract outbreaks of disease among the malnourished population. The United Nations said it was alarmed Saturday after suspected cases of measle...
  • After a decade in Mogadishu Tanzanian refugees return to Zanzibar

    news, 31 Aug 2012 (11 years ago )
    This past weekend UNHCR successfully completed the voluntary repatriation of 38 Tanzanian refugees from Zanzibar who had been residing in Mogadishu for the past 11 years. The group, comprising 12 families, were flown on two special UNHCR-chartered flights from Mogadishu to Zanzibar on Friday 6 Ju...
  • African migrants suffocate on voyage to Italy

    news Aljazeera: AFP, 19 Jul 2014 (10 years ago )
    talian rescuers have found 18 bodies on a boat carrying hundreds of asylum-seekers and another died while being evacuated, the ANSA news agency reports. All were apparently killed by toxic fumes from the boat's engine. The boat, with 600 people on board, was intercepted on Saturday south of th...
  • African migrants face death at sea in Yemen

    news Al Jazeera, 02 Jan 2015 (9 years ago )
    Sanaa - Yemen has witnessed a considerable increase in the number of African migrants and asylum-seekers arriving in 2014 despite growing insecurity in the country, UN officials have said.
  • African forces close in on Shabab-held town

    news Al Jazeera and agencies, 05 Oct 2014 (9 years ago )
    Somali troops backed by African Union forces have launched an assault to retake the al-Shabab stronghold of Barawe, key to the financing of al-Shabab fighters. Al Jazeera's Catherine Soi, embedded with the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) in Barawe, said "some al-Shabab fighters were fle...
  • African force advances on al-Shabab fighters

    news Al Jazeera, 04 Oct 2014 (9 years ago )
    In Somalia, government forces backed by African Union troops have stepped up their fight against the al-Shabab rebels. In recent months, the group has suffered significant losses in the south of the country. And, on Friday, Burundian and Somali forces took the port town of Cadale in Middle Shabel...