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On World Refugee Day, UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Ben Stiller calls for equal treatment of refugees - whoever, wherever, whenever
news Stiller: “Protecting people forced to flee is a collective global responsibility. We have to remember this could happen to anyone, anywhere.”, 20 Jun 2022 (2 years ago )GENEVA – Today, on World Refugee Day 2022, Ben Stiller, Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, called for compassion and support for all refugees around the world and those forced to flee. During a visit to Poland and Ukraine this week, where Stiller is meeting those recently forc... -
Organizacje humanitarne w Polsce zabiegają o 740,6 mln USD na wsparcie uchodźców z Ukrainy
news UNHCR, 31 May 2022 (2 years ago )Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych i partnerzy humanitarni w Polsce wraz z Rządem RP oficjalnie zainaugurowali polski wątek Regionalnego Planu Działań (RPP) w odpowiedzi na kryzys uchodźczy związany z sytuacją na Ukrainie. Plan skupia 87 partnerów. Na pokrycie najpilniejszych potrzeb uchodźców z Ukra... -
People across Poland show solidarity with refugees from Ukraine
news UNHCR, 01 Mar 2022 (2 years ago )From overflowing donation centres near the border to offers of transport and accommodation around the country, Poles offer a warm welcome to people forced to flee. -
Poland welcomes more than two million refugees from Ukraine
news UNHCR, 18 Mar 2022 (2 years ago )WARSAW – UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, today acknowledged the enormous support of the Polish authorities and civil society for those who have been forced to flee Ukraine, after the number of arrivals passed the two million mark within three weeks. -
Polish Government adopt an amendment to the law on assistance to citizens of Ukraine – press conference
news Ministry of Interior, 23 Jun 2022 (2 years ago )On 23 June 2022, Deputy Minister and government plenipotentiary for aid to Ukrainian refugees Szefernaker and newly appointed Minister-Member of the Council of Ministers Scigaj held a press conference on assistance to Ukrainian refugees in Poland. -
Polish border town welcomes refugees from Ukraine, but will itself need help
news UNHCR, 16 Mar 2022 (2 years ago )‘These refugees have lost almost everything. We need to help them. Even if that means we’ll have to learn to live with less,’ says mayor of Medyka, a primary crossing point for refugees. Marek Iwasieczko has been averaging just four hours sleep a night since the bombs started falling on Ukraine. ... -
Private sector donates over US$200 million to UNHCR’s Ukraine emergency response
news UNHCR, 15 Mar 2022 (2 years ago )As humanitarian needs continue to rise, UN High Commissioner for Refugees calls on the private sector for continued support. -
Refugees fleeing Ukraine to Moldova find onward passage to Romania
news UNHCR, 15 Mar 2022 (2 years ago )As transfers are arranged to ease the pressure on Moldova of hundreds of thousands fleeing conflict, UNHCR staff are on hand to help refugees facing an uncertain future. <br> Under leaden skies at the remote Palanca border crossing in southeastern Moldova, groups of refugees from Ukraine brave the... -
Statement on the situation in Ukraine attributed to UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi
news UNHCR, 24 Feb 2022 (2 years ago )We are gravely concerned about the fast-deteriorating situation and ongoing military action in Ukraine. The humanitarian consequences on civilian populations will be devastating. There are no winners in war, but countless lives will be torn apart. -
UN High Commissioner for Refugees calls for immediate end to Ukraine war, which has uprooted over 10 million people
news UNHCR, 31 Mar 2022 (2 years ago )Lviv, Ukraine – Visiting Ukraine for the first time since the Russian military offensive, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi appealed today in the strongest terms for an end to the war, while calling on the international community to provide sustained support to the millions of civilia...