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Refugees fleeing Ukraine to Moldova find onward passage to Romania
news UNHCR, 15 Mar 2022 (2 years ago )As transfers are arranged to ease the pressure on Moldova of hundreds of thousands fleeing conflict, UNHCR staff are on hand to help refugees facing an uncertain future. <br> Under leaden skies at the remote Palanca border crossing in southeastern Moldova, groups of refugees from Ukraine brave the... -
UN welcomes and supports initiative to fast-track transfer of people fleeing Ukraine to Romania through Moldova
news UNHCR, 11 Mar 2022 (2 years ago )Chisinau, 10 March 2022 – The Moldovan and Romanian Governments, supported by the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR and the International Organization for Migration, IOM have set in place the transfer of people who fled Ukraine, including third country nationals, from southern Moldova to Romania, a journey o... -
UNHCR: One year after the Russian invasion, insecurity clouds return intentions of displaced Ukrainians
news UNHCR, 23 Feb 2023 (1 year ago )GENEVA – Twelve months since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, more than 13 million people remain uprooted from their homes, including nearly 8 million refugees across Europe and more than 5 million internally displaced people within Ukraine. Their prospects for return in the near future, however, ar... -
În România, refugiații din Ucraina își construiesc o nouă viață în timp ce tânjesc după casă
news UNHCR, 24 Feb 2023 (1 year ago )Munca pe care o desfășoară la cafenea o ajută pe Ekaterina, în vârstă de 30 de ani, să își reconstruiască viața într-o țară nouă, creând o parte din normalitatea și independența pe care le-a pierdut din cauza războiului din țara sa, dar îi oferă și oportunitatea de a-i ajuta pe alții care, la fel ca...