Formulaire de recherche

Nombre de résultats: 9082

  • On World Refugee Day, UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Ben Stiller calls for equal treatment of refugees - whoever, wherever, whenever

    news Stiller: “Protecting people forced to flee is a collective global responsibility. We have to remember this could happen to anyone, anywhere.”, 20 Jun 2022 (2 years ago )
    GENEVA – Today, on World Refugee Day 2022, Ben Stiller, Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, called for compassion and support for all refugees around the world and those forced to flee. During a visit to Poland and Ukraine this week, where Stiller is meeting those recently forc...
  • Desplazamiento forzado global llega a nuevo récord en tendencia creciente durante la última década

    news UNHCR Ecuador, 16 Jun 2022 (2 years ago )
    16 de junio, QUITO – Durante la última década, el número de personas que se han visto forzadas a abandonar sus hogares se ha incrementado año tras año. A finales de 2021, 89,3 millones de personas se vieron desplazadas por la guerra, violencia, persecución y abusos de los derechos humanos, registran...
  • UNHCR welcomes Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection in the Americas

    news ACNUR, 10 Jun 2022 (2 years ago )
    LOS ANGELES – UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, welcomed today an important declaration adopted at the IX Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, United States. The 20 countries endorsing the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection pledged to strengthen national, regional, and hemispheric ...
  • UNHCR updates Ukraine refugee data, reflecting recent movements

    news UNHCR, 09 Jun 2022 (2 years ago )
    GENEVA — UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has updated its data portal on the Ukraine Refugee Situation, adding new data which better reflects recent movements of refugees from and to Ukraine.
  • Friendship between Slovaks and Ukrainians, and children's happiness.

    news Machaon International, 05 Jun 2022 (2 years ago )
    Machaon International held an event in the framework of the celebration of the International refugees day. Friendship between Slovaks and Ukrainians, and children's happiness.
  • After 100 days of anguish, UNHCR is focused on protection and shelter for Ukrainians

    news This is a summary of what was said by Karolina Lindholm Billing, UNHCR Representative in Ukraine – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today’s press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva., 03 Jun 2022 (2 years ago )
    I have spent the last weeks in Kyiv, Poltava, Dnipro, Zaporizhia, and now in Vinnytsya, meeting internally displaced people, local authorities, emergency services and volunteers in the host communities. The situation is very fluid, and the outlook for the innocent victims of this brutal and sense...
  • Ukrainian family finds a home away from home in Moldova

    news Business owners Nadejda and Vitalie converted their office space into a shelter for refugees, including six-year-old Veronika and her family from Odesa., 03 Jun 2022 (2 years ago )
    Nadejda Grosu and Vitalie Ovcearenco had just moved into their new office space in Ialoveni near the Moldovan capital Chisinau when images of refugees fleeing war in Ukraine filled the news channels. The couple’s company makes wooden pallets for local and export markets, and they were expanding t...
  • Launch of the Regional Action Plan (RPP) in Poland

    news UNHCR, 31 May 2022, 31 May 2022 (2 years ago )
    The United Nations and humanitarian partners in Poland, together with the Polish government, officially inaugurated the Polish theme of the Regional Action Plan (RPP) in response to the refugee crisis related to the situation in Ukraine. The plan brings together 87 partners. US $ 740.6 million will ...
  • Humanitarian actors in Poland seek US$ 740.6 million to support refugees from Ukraine

    news UNHCR, 31 May 2022 (2 years ago )
    The United Nations and humanitarian partners in Poland, together with the Government of Poland, officially launched today the national chapter of the Inter-Agency Refugee Response Plan (RRP) for the Ukraine Situation, which brings together 87 partners. A total of US$740.6 million will be needed to c...
  • Organizacje humanitarne w Polsce zabiegają o 740,6 mln USD na wsparcie uchodźców z Ukrainy

    news UNHCR, 31 May 2022 (2 years ago )
    Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych i partnerzy humanitarni w Polsce wraz z Rządem RP oficjalnie zainaugurowali polski wątek Regionalnego Planu Działań (RPP) w odpowiedzi na kryzys uchodźczy związany z sytuacją na Ukrainie. Plan skupia 87 partnerów. Na pokrycie najpilniejszych potrzeb uchodźców z Ukra...