Formulaire de recherche

Nombre de résultats: 1675

  • Tchad : un nouveau site pour accueillir les réfugiés centrafricains

    news PANAPRESS, 01 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    N’Djamena, Tchad (PANA) - Les travaux avancent sur le site choisi pour accueillir les deux tiers des 1.125 nouveaux réfugiés centrafricains arrivés en avril au Tchad, suite à de nouvelles violences dans le Nord-ouest de la République centrafricaine (Rca). Diba2, du nom du village qui l’abrite, e...
  • Diffa, cible nigérienne de Boko Haram, racontée par notre reporter, natif de la ville

    news LeMondeAfrique, 27 Apr 2017 (7 years ago )
    La région de Diffa est en proie aux attaques de la secte islamiste Boko Haram depuis février 2015. Le journaliste nigérien Seidik Abba, chroniqueur au Monde Afrique, est revenu sur les lieux de son enfance trente ans après les avoir quittés. Dans une série en cinq épisodes, entre enquête et voyage i...
  • Teachers in Boko Haram-hit region trained to keep schools safe

    news Reuters, 27 Apr 2017 (7 years ago )
    By Nellie Peyton DAKAR (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - School teachers in the Lake Chad region where Boko Haram is waging an insurgency are being trained to identify and respond to security threats to protect children from the Islamist group, the United Nations said on Thursday. Schools are parti...
  • Starvation looms for 20 million, UN agricultural advisory group told at opening session

    news UN News Centre, 24 Apr 2017 (7 years ago )
    24 April 2017 – If nothing is done soon, 20 million people will starve to death over the next six months in South Sudan, Somalia, north-eastern Nigera and Yemen, the United Nations agricultural chief today warned the UN agency's Council. Addressing the opening of the 165th session of the UN Food ...
  • 'Alarming' rise in use of children in 'suicide' attacks by Boko Haram in Lake Chad region – UNICEF

    news UN News Centre, 12 Apr 2017 (7 years ago )
    12 April 2017 – The use of children, particularly girls, by the Boko Haram terrorist group in violent attacks in the Lake Chad region has seen an “alarming” surge in 2017, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has reported. According to the UNICEF report, Silent Shame: Bringing out the voic...
  • 'Holistic thinking' needed for peace, development in Lake Chad region – Deputy UN chief Mohammed

    news UN News Center, 09 Mar 2017 (7 years ago )
    9 March 2017 – Highlighting the multifaceted nature of the crisis in Africa's Lake Chad Basin, the deputy United Nations chief underlined the need for a holistic approach that includes responding to the Boko Haram as well as closing the gap between humanitarian assistance and development interventio...
  • Lake Chad : 3 lessons from the Security Council visit

    news Permanent mission of France to the United Nations in New York, 08 Mar 2017 (7 years ago )
    The Security Council decided to visit the Lake Chad region because there was a flagrant gap between the many challenges that had accumulated in that region and the international community’s response, which was both piecemeal and insufficient. I believe this important mission offers three main les...
  • Conférence de presse de la coordinatrice humanitaire des Nations Unies : Madame Mbaranga Gasaranbwe fait le point sur la question humanitair...

    news Le Pays, 21 Oct 2016 (7 years ago )
    La coordinatrice humanitaire des Nations Unies au Mali, Mbaranga Gasarabwe a animée le vendredi 14 octobre une conférence de presse au siège du Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (Pnud). L’objectif de cette conférence de presse était de faire le pont de la situation humanitaire au Mal...
  • Mali : insécurité grandissante sur l'axe routier Hombori-Gossi qui mène à Gao

    news RFI, 21 Oct 2016 (7 years ago )
    L’insécurité règne sur un axe routier qui mène à Gao, localité du nord du Mali. Des poses de mines, doublées d'attaques armées, continuent par faire des victimes dans les rangs de l'armée malienne. Des civils sont aussi parfois dépouillés, mais leurs vies étaient jusque-là épargnées. Pourtant, depui...
  • “Boko Haram is not yet in the past, but still in the present”

    news Heinrich Böll Foundation, 19 Oct 2016 (7 years ago )
    First Foreign Minister Steinmeier in Nigeria, then Nigerian President Buhari in Germany: At the beginning of October, German politics on Africa was busy on migration and refugee issues in West Africa, especially Nigeria. But the crisis of internally displaced people within Nigeria is far greater: mo...