Formulaire de recherche

Nombre de résultats: 3804

  • Commissioner Georgieva warns of possible humanitarian disaster in northern Mali

    news European Commission, 12 Apr 2012 (12 years ago )
    Unless there is rapid progress in the coming days to open the humanitarian space and allow in supplies of food and medicines to the North of Mali, there will be a major humanitarian disaster which could spill over to neighbouring countries, warns Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva. The European Commi...
  • Progression de la rébellion au nord du MALI :Alassane Ouattara n’exclut pas une intervention militaire

    news Le Soleil, 03 Apr 2012 (12 years ago )
    En visite à Dakar, le président de la Côte d’Ivoire, Alassane Dramane Ouattara, a exprimé sa préoccupation face à la progression des rebelles dans le nord du Mali. Il a indiqué que les chefs d’Etat de la Cedeao sont d’accord pour une intervention militaire visant à repousser les indépendantistes tou...
  • Help in Desert

    news UNHCR, 03 Apr 2012 (12 years ago )
    UNHCR and partner organizations are taking on the challenges of helping refugees arriving from Mali at the isolated and arid northern border of Mauritania.
  • Mauritanie Visite au milieu du désert

    news UNHCR, 03 Apr 2012 (12 years ago )
    Le Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés António Guterres se rend au nord-ouest de la Mauritanie, auprès des réfugiés parmi les plus isolés au monde
  • Mali : les rebelles touaregs contrôlent le Nord, la junte rétablit la Constitution Lire l'article sur : Mali : les rebelle...

    news JeuneAfrique, 02 Apr 2012 (12 years ago )
    Acculée, la junte malienne fait des concessions. Alors que les rebelles touaregs se sont emparés en trois jours de Kidal, Gao et Tombouctou, Amadou Haya Sanogo, le chef des putschistes, a annoncé le retour à l'ordre constitutionnel comme l'exigeait la Cedeao. En attendant une nouvelle réunion de l'o...
  • Mali : Le préfet de Bourèm tué par les rebelles touareg

    news Afriquinfos, 02 Apr 2012 (12 years ago )
    BAMAKO (Xinhua) - Le préfet du cercle de Bourèm (région de Gao, nord du Mali) a été tué samedi par les rebelles touareg, ont affirmé dimanche des habitants locaux. Le préfet Mohamed Sidibé tentait de fuir avec sa famille lorsqu'il a appris que les rebelles du Mouvement national de libération de l...
  • Islamists push for sharia law in northern Mali

    news Reuters Africa, 02 Apr 2012 (12 years ago )
    By Bate Felix BAMAKO (Reuters) - Islamists moved to impose sharia law in northern Mali after helping Tuareg separatists seize key towns, ransacking bars and banning Western-style clothes and music, residents said on Monday. A lightning 72-hour advance by rebels over the weekend, which exploite...
  • Mali junta caught between rebels and Ecowas sanctions

    news BBC News, 02 Apr 2012 (12 years ago )
    Mali's neighbours are considering imposing an economic blockade to force its military leaders to step down, after rebels seized the whole of the north over the weekend. West African leaders had given Mali's junta until Monday to leave power or face sanctions. The army said it had staged its co...
  • Africa: 'Everything I have worked for was lost': Thousands of refugees have been driven out of Mali by former Libyan mercenaries

    news The Guardian, 01 Apr 2012 (12 years ago )
    It was the middle of the day when Tabisou, 72, suddenly saw people from her town, Anderamboukane, fleeing for their lives. Her family had no time to pack their things: the fighting had already begun. "Everything I have worked for over my whole life was lost. Just like that," said Tabisou, sitting...
  • Convoys to safety

    news UNHCR, 01 Apr 2012 (12 years ago )
    At Mauritania's border with Mali, a convoy of vehicles sets off with more than 1,500 Malian refugees to Mbera, a camp established 50 kilometres away.