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  • Senegal troops move to Gambia border as Jammeh faces ultimatum

    news BBC, 18 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Senegal has moved troops towards the Gambian border in an effort to force President Yahya Jammeh to accept electoral defeat and step down. Senegal is leading the operation, which is supported by Nigeria and other states in the region. Mr Jammeh has been told to leave office by the end of Wedne...
  • Gambia Prepares For Showdown As Foreign Troops Threaten Intervention

    news NPR, 18 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    In a few hours, longtime Gambian leader Yahya Jammeh's presidential term will expire. But he is clinging to power as troops from regional powers reportedly amass at the border. International and regional powers are demanding that Jammeh step down and make way for his rival, businessman Adama Barr...
  • Senegal troops amass on Gambia border as deadline for president to step down nears

    news France 24, 18 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Latest update : 2017-01-18 Senegalese troops amassed on the Gambian border Wednesday as the deadline for the country's veteran leader Yahya Jammeh to step down approaches. Jammeh, who lost a December 1 election to opponent Adama Barrow, has refused to cede power after 22 years at the helm. Ba...
  • At least 26,000 people flee Gambia to Senegal as refugees -UN

    news Thomson Reuters Foundation News, 18 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    by Reuters Wednesday, 18 January 2017 14:46 GMT ZIGUINCHOR, Senegal, Jan 18 (Reuters) - At least 26,000 people have fled Gambia into Senegal fearing President Yahya Jammeh's decision to stay in power after losing an election in December could spark unrest, the United Nations said on Wednesday, c...

    news Agence de presse senegalaise, 18 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Dakar, 18 jan (APS) – Un important mouvement de troupes de plusieurs pays africains en partance pour la Gambie a été observé ce mercredi au port de Ziguinchor, a confié à l’APS une source militaire, alors qu’une intervention militaire devient de plus en plus imminente. Les militaires pourraient ...
  • Gambie: Mohammed VI pourrait offrir l’asile au Maroc à Yahya Jammeh

    news Le Desk, 17 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    17.01.2017 à 01 H 24 • Mis à jour le 17.01.2017 à 01 H 46 Par Kenza Filali Nasser Bourita, diplomate des missions délicates et Yassine Mansouri, le chef des services secrets extérieurs mènent une mission délicate à Banjul : persuader le dictateur de Banjul d’accepter sa défaite aux élections con...
  • Gambie : le président de la Cour suprême refuse d’examiner le recours de Yahya Jammeh

    news Jeune Afrique, 17 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    En l'état, le président de la Cour suprême gambienne, Emmanuel Fagbenle, s'est déclaré incompétent ce lundi concernant l'examen du recours porté devant cette juridiction par le chef de l'État Yahya Jammeh. Cet examen est repoussé à une date ultérieure. « Étant donné que cette injonction me concer...
  • Crise politique en Gambie : des milliers de Gambiens fuient le pays par craintes de troubles

    news France 24, 17 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    La situation politique instable en Gambie fait craindre le pire aux habitants qui, par milliers, choisissent de fuir au Sénégal voisin et en Guinée-Bissau. Des milliers de Gambiens qui redoutent des troubles dans leur pays à quelques jours de la fin du mandat du président Yahya Jammeh, jeudi 19 j...
  • Gambia: Four ministers resign from Jammeh government Finance, foreign affairs, trade and the environment ministers quit Jammeh's government ...

    news Aljazeera, 17 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    The Gambia's ministers for finance, foreign affairs, trade and the environment have resigned from President Yahya Jammeh's government, according to ministry sources and state television. The resignations were announced on Tuesday less than a day after the country's Chief Justice Emmanuel Fagbenl...
  • The Gambia's president declares state of emergency

    news BBC, 17 Jan 2017 (7 years ago )
    Gambian President Yahya Jammeh has declared a 90-day state of emergency a day before his official mandate ends. He decried "extraordinary" foreign interference in his country's affairs and December's election. Regional leaders have been unsuccessfully trying to persuade Mr Jammeh to hand over ...