Formulaire de recherche

Nombre de résultats: 80

  • Challenges and opportunities for the G5 Sahel force

    news ReliefWeb, 07 Jul 2017 (7 years ago )
    On 2 July 2017 leaders of the G5 Sahel, which consists of Chad, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Mali and Niger, officially launched the new G5 Sahel force, in the presence of French President Emmanuel Macron. This followed a meeting in February 2017 in which the G5 Sahel heads of state announced that a ne...
  • Boko Haram ups its pressure on Niger

    news IRIN, 06 Jul 2017 (7 years ago )
    There has been a worrying upsurge in Boko Haram violence in Niger’s southeastern Diffa region, adding to the caseload of an already underfunded humanitarian crisis.
  • Niger army kills 14 displaced people mistaken for jihadists: official

    news NEWS24, 06 Jul 2017 (7 years ago )
    Niamey - Niger's army has killed 14 displaced people who were mistaken for jihadists in the restive southeast where Boko Haram Islamists have staged regular attacks, a local official said on Thursday. "It's an error by the military that cost the lives of 14 civilians... refugees and displaced peo...
  • Deputy UN chief highlights stronger AU-UN partnership to benefit Africa's youth

    news UN News Centre, 03 Jul 2017 (7 years ago )
    3 July 2017 – Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed today called for strengthening the relationship between the African Union (AU) and the United Nations to deliver on promised development for Africa's youth. Addressing her first African Union Summit since taking office, Ms. Mohammed said that ...
  • Rainy season brings disease to Lake Chad Crisis

    news Reliefweb, 03 Jul 2017 (7 years ago )
    Nigeria, Niger and Chad face the risk of a disease outbreak as the rainy season starts in the Lake Chad Basin. 2.4 million people are already displaced due to the ongoing conflict with Boko Haram and the military operations to counter them, and the rains are set to make the humanitarian situation ev...
  • Boko Haram suspected in deadly Niger attack

    news Aljazeera, 03 Jul 2017 (7 years ago )
    Nine people killed, about 40 people abducted in a village near Niger's southeastern city of Diffa, officials say.
  • Afrique de l'Ouest Key Message Update, Juin 2017 : Besoin d'accroître l’assistance humanitaire dans le bassin du Lac Tchad

    news Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWS NET), 30 Jun 2017 (7 years ago )
    Messages clés Dans le nord-est du Nigeria, l’amélioration continue des conditions sécuritaires favorise le retour croissant de personnes déplacées et de réfugiés ainsi que l’amélioration des flux marchands. L’aide humanitaire a aussi connu une augmentation de volume, mais demeure insuffisante pou...
  • 5.6 million children at risk of waterborne diseases as rainy season hits communities affected by Lake Chad crisis

    news United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 23 Jun 2017 (7 years ago )
    DAKAR/ GENEVA/ABUJA, 23 June 2017 – More than 5.6 million children are at increased risk of contracting waterborne diseases, such as cholera and diarrheal infections, as the rainy season begins in conflict-affected areas of countries around Lake Chad, UNICEF warned today. The threat of disease outbr...
  • In the eye of the storm: Niger and its unstable neighbors

    news The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC. Our mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national and global level., 13 Jun 2017 (7 years ago )
    A poor, sun-scorched Sahel country, Niger is rapidly becoming a key U.S. and Western counterterrorism ally. The former French colony already hosts French troops, and, as part of its TransSahara Counter-Terrorism Initiative, the United States is building a $100 million drone base there to monitor an...
  • L’insécurité alimentaire représente un plus grand défi en période de conflit civil et de sécheresse

    news Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 09 Jun 2017 (7 years ago )
    Le rapport de la FAO souligne des pertes importantes dues à la perturbation des activités agricoles, à la hausse des prix et au déplacement des moyens d’existence 09 juin 2017, Rome - Selon le dernier rapport de la FAO sur les Perspectives de récolte et la situation alimentaire, les bonnes récolt...