EHAGL Regional Knowledge Exchange Social Protection & Forced Displacement

Knowledge Exchange Social Protection & Forced Displacement

  Working Group Description

The social protection and forced displacement knowledge exchange is a forum for organisations working on this topic to come together to learn from each other and external stakeholders, to exchange information and best practices and explore opportunities for joint activities. Membership is open to regional NGOs/CSOs, UN agencies, IFIs, Bilateral Donors and Research Institutes across the humanitarian-development nexus in Eastern, Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes. The Exchange aims to stimulate discussion, research, and sharing of best practices related to the inclusion of forcibly displaced populations and vulnerable or marginalized host communities into emerging national social protection systems and programmes.

The Topic
Africa’s East, Horn and Great Lakes Region is experiencing increased frequency, severity and duration of crises creating a context of substantial and growing needs, with new conflicts swelling displaced and refugee caseloads. This is combined with the increasingly protracted nature of displacement , growing climatic shocks and inadequate humanitarian resources to meet the needs that these scenarios are generating.

However, despite these challenges progress can be seen in the establishment, strengthening and reach of social protection policies, systems and programmes across the region alongside increased investment in these systems. This is primarily development partner resources, but some countries are seeing a growth in government investment also. COVID-19 has accelerated efforts to scale up social protection systems. There is wide acceptance of the role that social protection can play in reducing poverty and addressing lifecycle risks and vulnerabilities. Pilots are developing into government social safety net programmes, delivery systems are improving and there is an increased focus on developing the shock-responsive capacities of these systems. Coverage is growing despite challenges around fragmentation, capacity, coordination and resourcing. This links to the increasing use of cash transfers as a humanitarian response modality and robust evidence of the efficacy of social protection and social transfers in both development and crisis contexts.

Humanitarian assistance has been performing the same role as social assistance for many years. In contexts of increasingly protracted displacement and lack of durable solutions for most refugees, inclusion in social protection systems, backed by international development investments, can contribute to more predictable alternatives to humanitarian assistance. UNHCR is working with governments and international actors to implement an area-based approach promoting access to social protection programmes for displaced and host populations. An increased focus on developing inclusive systems provides opportunities for broadening discussions on how Persons of Concern (PoC) can benefit from social protection to provide more effective, efficient and sustainable solutions to affected populations. This requires re-examining ways of responding to the basic and protection needs of forcibly displaced communities and exploring the role that government social protection systems can play in meeting the needs of PoC, accelerating the agenda of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR), promoting area-based solutions, efficiencies, inclusion and sustainability.

  Working Group Documents
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    ILO - A system analysis of the financial market in Uganda and its potential to contribute to sustainable development - August 2024

    As part of the cooperation between the ILO and Sida to enhance the development impact of financing instruments, this publication analyzes supply and demand of financial services, as well as the regula...
    تاريخ النشر: 26 August 2024 (6 days ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 29 August 2024 (2 days ago)
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    IGAD - Regional Focus of the 2024 Global Report on Food Crises - August 2024

    The IGAD Regional Focus of the 2024 Global Report on Food Crises underscores a deepening food insecurity crisis impacting the IGAD region, encompassing Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan,...
    تاريخ النشر: 23 August 2024 (9 days ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 29 August 2024 (2 days ago)
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    World Bank - Building Evidence to Enhance the Welfare of Refugees and Host Communities - Insights from the Kenya Longitudinal Socioeconomic ...

    The Kenya Longitudinal Socioeconomic Study of Refugees and Host Communities(K-LSRH) is the first nationally comparable survey of registered refugees and hosts inKenya, offering a unique opportunity to...
    تاريخ النشر: 20 August 2024 (12 days ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 22 August 2024 (9 days ago)
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    FAO - The SUDAN - Impact of shocks on livestock inputs, food supply chains and livestock livelihoods - July 2024

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Representation in the Sudan and Data in Emergencies (DIEM) are happy to share a new report detailing the challenges experienced by livestock...
    تاريخ النشر: 2 August 2024 (30 days ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 7 August 2024 (24 days ago)
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    World Vision - Fostering Resilient Systems: A Multi-sectoral Framework for Use Across the Humanitarian, Development, and Peace Nexus - J...

    World Vision unpacks resilience-building activities across multiple sectors, including case studies that touch upon livelihoods and food security, humanitarian response, and gender equality, among oth...
    تاريخ النشر: 31 July 2024 (1 month ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 2 August 2024 (29 days ago)
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    Sudan Regional Refugee Response - May to December 2023 (Revised August 2023)

    The 2023 Sudan Emergency Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRP) was launched in May 2023, revised in June 2023, and again in August 2023 reflecting the dramatic and ongoing increases in external displac...
    تاريخ النشر: 4 September 2023 (11 months ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 4 September 2023 (11 months ago)
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    Social protection responses to COVID-19 for forcibly displaced persons

    Refugees and other Persons of Concern (PoC)1 to UNHCR have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to serious health, socio-economic and protection impacts. Some governme...
    تاريخ النشر: 30 November 2020 (3 years ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 24 February 2022 (2 years ago)
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    UNHCR Sudan - Solutions and Livelihoods Factsheet - November 2023

    UNHCR Sudan - Solutions and Livelihoods Factsheet - November 2023
    تاريخ النشر: 1 November 2023 (10 months ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 6 November 2023 (9 months ago)
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    CALP - Minimum Standard for Market Analysis - May 2024

    With growing recognition of the importance of market analysis in the humanitarian sector, a plethora of tools and guidance has been developed to support such exercises. While this has provided an oppo...
    تاريخ النشر: 4 May 2024 (3 months ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 30 May 2024 (3 months ago)
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    UNHCR - Cash and Shelter: Access to sustainable housing through cash assistance – key considerations and learning

    This recently published guidance document focuses on the use of cash assistance to enhance shelter solutions. It emphasizes the importance of unrestricted cash for sustainable housing, covering aspect...
    تاريخ النشر: 30 April 2024 (4 months ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 30 May 2024 (3 months ago)
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    Implementation Guide – Good Practices For Ensuring Data Protection And Privacy In Social Protection Systems

    This Implementation Guide is aimed at practitioners involved in the design, implementation, and expansion of social protection systems and programmes at the country level, especially regarding non-con...
    تاريخ النشر: 31 August 2022 (2 years ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 17 November 2022 (1 year ago)
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    Extending social protection to migrant workers, refugees and their families

    A guide for policymakers and practitioners
    تاريخ النشر: 31 December 2021 (2 years ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 18 February 2022 (2 years ago)
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    EC - Social Protection across the Humanitarian-Development Nexus (SPAN) Operational Note - Forced Displacement

    Supplement to the Reference Document No 26 on Social Protection across the Humanitarian-Development Nexus. A Game Changer in Supporting People through Crises and provides an overview of the key inform...
    تاريخ النشر: 15 May 2019 (5 years ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 14 March 2022 (2 years ago)
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    AVSI - Graduating to Resilience in Uganda - April 2024

    Webinar presentation during the PEI Open House on May 2, 2024: "Shedding Light on What Works: Economic Inclusion for Refugees and Host communities'
    تاريخ النشر: 2 May 2024 (3 months ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 7 May 2024 (3 months ago)
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    CALP - Cash Voucher Assistance, Social Protection and Cash Plus Programmes - April 2024

    Check out these workshop slides from ActivityInfo that examine the linkages between CVA and social protection and Cash Plus programmes. They follow a case study by Mercy Corps that looks into impact p...
    تاريخ النشر: 29 April 2024 (4 months ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 30 May 2024 (3 months ago)
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    Presentation - UNHCR and JDC : Socioeconomic data, evidence and action in East and Horn of Africa and Great Lakes region

    Presentation by UNHCR and World Bank-UNHCR Joint Data Center (JDC) highlighting a summary of recent trends in forced displacement data and research and discussion by the World Bank-UNHCR Joint Data Ce...
    تاريخ النشر: 14 September 2023 (11 months ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 14 September 2023 (11 months ago)
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    Presentation - IPC: El Nino - Humanitarian Impacts and Response Implications for the East Africa region - 03 August 2023

    Presentation by IPC highlighting the case of Acute food insecurity and malnutrition of East and Central Africa region
    تاريخ النشر: 3 August 2023 (1 year ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 3 August 2023 (1 year ago)
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    Presentation - NRC : Pilot project on Flood Rice production in South Sudan

    Presentation by NRC highlighting the pilot project on flood rice production - diverting flood to an opportunity in South Sudan
    تاريخ النشر: 3 August 2023 (1 year ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 3 August 2023 (1 year ago)
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    IGAD Policy Framework on Refugee Protection

    This Policy Framework on Refugee Protection is a consolidation of the key findings and recommendations that reflect the IGAD Member States’ commitment to providing a safe haven for refugees, ensuring ...
    تاريخ النشر: 31 January 2024 (7 months ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 5 March 2024 (5 months ago)
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    UNHCR Policy on Cash-based Interventions - 2022-2026

    Building on the Policy on Cash-Based Interventions (CBI) 2016-20211, this Policy sets the overall direction for UNHCR’s use of CBI from 2022 to 2026 inclusive, with the aim of scaling up and strengthe...
    تاريخ النشر: 5 September 2022 (1 year ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 6 September 2022 (1 year ago)
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    Emerging Lessons from World Bank Group Social Protection Investments in Refugee-Hosting Areas

    Emerging Lessons from World Bank Group Social Protection Investments in Refugee-Hosting Areas
    تاريخ النشر: 31 January 2022 (2 years ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 8 February 2022 (2 years ago)
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    تاريخ النشر: 31 January 2022 (2 years ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 8 February 2022 (2 years ago)
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    Leave no one behind: Promoting effective access of refugees in social protection systems in post-pandemic Europe

    The spread of COVID-19 has challenged all of us to question conventional wisdom, think differently and work together to find solutions to the defining crisis of our times. In Europe, COVID-19 has touc...
    تاريخ النشر: 31 December 2021 (2 years ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 24 February 2022 (2 years ago)
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    UNHCR Mapping of Social Safety Nets for Refugees

    The aim of the mapping of social safety nets (SSN) was to explore the potential for alignment between humanitarian cash assistance and SSN in forced displacement situations. It considered various as...
    تاريخ النشر: 31 December 2021 (2 years ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 24 February 2022 (2 years ago)
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    Mapping of the National Social Protection System in Ethiopia, including Social Health Protection

    The mapping of the national social protection system in Ethiopia, including social health insurance, is carried out as part of a joint technical study by the International Labour Organization (ILO) a...
    تاريخ النشر: 31 December 2021 (2 years ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 24 February 2022 (2 years ago)
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    ILO - A system analysis of the financial market in Uganda and its potential to contribute to sustainable development - August 2024

    As part of the cooperation between the ILO and Sida to enhance the development impact of financing instruments, this publication analyzes supply and demand of financial services, as well as the regula...
    تاريخ النشر: 26 August 2024 (6 days ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 29 August 2024 (2 days ago)
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    IGAD - Regional Focus of the 2024 Global Report on Food Crises - August 2024

    The IGAD Regional Focus of the 2024 Global Report on Food Crises underscores a deepening food insecurity crisis impacting the IGAD region, encompassing Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan,...
    تاريخ النشر: 23 August 2024 (9 days ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 29 August 2024 (2 days ago)
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    World Bank - Building Evidence to Enhance the Welfare of Refugees and Host Communities - Insights from the Kenya Longitudinal Socioeconomic ...

    The Kenya Longitudinal Socioeconomic Study of Refugees and Host Communities(K-LSRH) is the first nationally comparable survey of registered refugees and hosts inKenya, offering a unique opportunity to...
    تاريخ النشر: 20 August 2024 (12 days ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 22 August 2024 (9 days ago)
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    FAO - The SUDAN - Impact of shocks on livestock inputs, food supply chains and livestock livelihoods - July 2024

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Representation in the Sudan and Data in Emergencies (DIEM) are happy to share a new report detailing the challenges experienced by livestock...
    تاريخ النشر: 2 August 2024 (30 days ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 7 August 2024 (24 days ago)
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    World Vision - Fostering Resilient Systems: A Multi-sectoral Framework for Use Across the Humanitarian, Development, and Peace Nexus - J...

    World Vision unpacks resilience-building activities across multiple sectors, including case studies that touch upon livelihoods and food security, humanitarian response, and gender equality, among oth...
    تاريخ النشر: 31 July 2024 (1 month ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 2 August 2024 (29 days ago)
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    Ethiopia - Country Refugee Response Plan 2024

    Under the co-leadership of the Government of Ethiopia’s Refugees and Returnees Service (RRS) and UNHCR, the Ethiopia Country Refugee Response Plan (CRRP) for 2024 is the interagency refugee response i...
    تاريخ النشر: 30 April 2024 (4 months ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 22 May 2024 (3 months ago)
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    UNHCR - Strategic Plan for Climate Action 2024-2030

    UNHCR’s newly released Strategic Plan for Climate Action 2024-2030 builds on the Strategic Framework for Climate Action to operationalize its commitment to reduce and manage the effects of climate cha...
    تاريخ النشر: 13 December 2023 (8 months ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 16 February 2024 (6 months ago)
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    UNHCR - Uganda: Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion Strategic Directions 2023 - 2028

    UNHCR Uganda: Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion Strategic Directions 2023 - 2028
    تاريخ النشر: 7 August 2023 (1 year ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 8 August 2023 (1 year ago)
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    UNHCR Kenya - Multi-year Strategy 2023 - 2026 - Livelihoods and Economic Inclusion

    This Multi-Year Strategic Plan 2023-2026 is developed jointly with government and non-government partners working on refugee self-reliance in Kenya. It provides a framework for UNHCR’s engagement in t...
    تاريخ النشر: 1 March 2023 (1 year ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 15 March 2023 (1 year ago)
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    Handbook on social health protection for refugees: Approaches, lessons learned and practical tools to assess coverage options

    The purpose of this handbook is to guide UNHCR public health and programme staff and ILO staff working on social protection at country level on the considerations and practical steps required to asses...
    تاريخ النشر: 9 November 2020 (3 years ago)
    تاريخ الانشاء: 7 February 2022 (2 years ago)

  • Working Group Key Contacts
    • Clare Gardner

      UNHCR Regional Bureau for East and Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes, Nairobi, Kenya  Senior Social Protection Officer
    • Shana Hoehler

      ILO  Technical Officer – Social Health Protection for Refugees and Host Communities
    Social assistance in crises roundtable: knowledge gaps and policy challenges
    BASIC (Better Assistance in Crises) Research is a Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) funded programme examining why, how and when to use social protection approaches in different crisis contexts, to deliver more effective social assistance so that vulnerable people cope better with crises and meet their basic needs. This online roundtable discussion will be a dialogue with other researchers and practitioners on the ground.
    Fragility Forum: Emerging Research on Social Protection in Contexts of Fragility and Displacement
    Fragility Forum, a podcast summarising UNHCR studies and the ongoing WB-DFID Trust Fund and OECD studies on inclusion of refugees in SP systems and a roundtable with representatives from Mauritania, Republic of Congo and Yemen.
    Guidance Package - SPaN resources
    The European Commission (EC) created the Guidance Package (GP) on Social Protection across the Humanitarian-Development Nexus (SPaN) to provide concrete and practical guidance to social protection as an effective short- and long-term response to multivariate shocks, protracted crises and displacement based on the current body of knowledge, including brief definitions, and processes of social protection approaches in most challenging settings. The variety of contexts covered by the GP also includes countries where social protection systems are nationally led and those without any structures in place.
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