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Document Type: Dashboards & Factsheets , Data & Statistics , Statistics
Document Type: French
Publish Date: 20 September 2024 (4 months ago)
Upload Date: 20 September 2024 (4 months ago)
Downloads: 202


Document Type: Dashboards & Factsheets , Data & Statistics , Statistics
Document Language: French
Managing humanitarian operations in the DRC is challenging due to the complexity of accessing more than 75% of the refugee population residing outside official camps. The challenges include insecurity (mainly in the East), lack of roads, and insufficient funding to conduct regular registration verification operations. Therefore, registration data is only available for children and young refugees and nationals supported by UNHCR in schools located in camps or rural and urban areas through cash interventions, support for admission to national exams, school construction, distribution of learning kits, etc. Another challenge is that the Ministry of National Education and New Citizenship’s education management information system does not disaggregate data by refugee status, so data on refugees enrolled in public schools without UNHCR support is not available. Consequently, gross enrollment rates are likely underestimated. UNHCR works with the Ministry of Education and its partners to strengthen data management on


  •  Protection
  •  Education


  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
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