Poland: Fulfilling the rights of children without parental care displaced from Ukraine (July 2023)

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Document Type: Reports
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 31 July 2023 (1 year ago)
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Poland: Fulfilling the rights of children without parental care displaced from Ukraine (July 2023)

Document Type: Reports
Document Language: English
This report aims to support policy makers and practitioners in ensuring that refugee children without parental care, displaced from Ukraine, can access their rights. It focuses on their right to support and assistance (including from guardians), access to appropriate international protection procedures and, in the longer term, access to comprehensive, secure and sustainable solutions. It also examines obligations to ensure that such children are protected from violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation while in responding countries, in particular, through the application of national child protection laws. The purpose of the legal report is to analyse the different legal challenges which may arise when applying international or European laws in EU and Council of Europe Member States. The report provides recommendations for reducing and meeting these legal challenges.


  • United Nations Children's Fund


  • Poland

Population Group

Country Group
Ukraine - Refugees
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