UNHCR Jordan Cash Assistance Post Distribution Monitoring Report 2017

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Document Type: English
Publish Date: 10 June 2018 (6 years ago)
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UNHCR Jordan Cash Assistance Post Distribution Monitoring Report 2017

Document Type: Reports
Document Language: English
In 2017, the protracted nature of the crisis, combined with a lack of resettlement opportunities, Jordan's managed border policy, and a war-effected population that was aging resulted in a waiting list for cash assistance that ballooned to over 75,000 individuals (over 16,000 families). The expectations of static or potentially reduced donor funding prompted an analysis of UNHCR Jordan's eligibility criteria. In 2017, UNHCR completed a review of cases that it defined as having ‘potential for self-sustainability’, which had also been on cash assistance for more than two years. Approximately 6,000 cases were identified under this definition and rotated off cash assistance. This number, along with cases removed for reasons of natural attrition (e.g. inactive after their Asylum Seeker Certificate expired, or having left the country), made room for more than 9,000 cases from the waiting list to be included into cash assistance in 2017. Throughout 2017, UNHCR provided life-saving cash assistance to 30,000 Syrian re


  •  Cash Assistance
  •  Country Operation


  • Jordan
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