WASH Needs Survey

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Document Type: Reports and Assessments
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 8 July 2014 (10 years ago)
Upload Date: 22 August 2019 (5 years ago)
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WASH Needs Survey

Document Type: Reports and Assessments
Document Language: English
Contact: Silvia Beccacece, silvia.cispleb@gmail.com In the frame of the project “Emergency WASH assistance for Syrian refugees in T5, North Lebanon”, funded by UNHCR, CISP has carried out a Rapid WASH assessment during the months of June and July 2014 with the aim of identifying needs among Syrian refugees and gaps in current WASH response in the Union of Municipalities of Tripoli, El Mina and El Beddawi. This report summarises the main findings and recommendations from the aforementioned survey.


  • CISP


  •  Water Sanitation Hygiene


  • Lebanon
  • North Lebanon
  • Tripoli

Population Group

Country Group
Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
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