Libya: Activities at Disembarkation - Monthly update, February 2020

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Document Type: Dashboards & Factsheets
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 2 March 2020 (5 years ago)
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Libya: Activities at Disembarkation - Monthly update, February 2020

Document Type: Dashboards & Factsheets
Document Language: English
Libya continues to be a transit point for departure from North Africa towards Europe. UNHCR's interventions at disembarkation points in Libya focus on the provision of life-saving assistance and protection monitoring, to identify persons in need of international protection, as well as vulnerable individuals, such as unaccompanied and separated children, elderly, medical cases, women at risk or victims of trafficking. UNHCR through its partner International Medical Corps provides medical services and core relief items. In addition, UNHCR rehabilitated WASH facilities at six disembarkation points, in Azzawya, Tripoli (3), Tajoura (Al Hamidiyah) and Alkhums.


  • International Medical Corps
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees


  •  Health
  •  Water Sanitation Hygiene
  •  Emergency Shelter and NFI
  •  Child Protection


  • Libya
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