Lebanon: Inter-Agency - Gender-Based Violence Information Management System Annual Overview of Incidents of GBV in Relation to Lebanon’s Situation 2020

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Document Type: Situation Reports , COVID-19
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 4 March 2021 (4 years ago)
Upload Date: 4 March 2021 (4 years ago)
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Lebanon: Inter-Agency - Gender-Based Violence Information Management System Annual Overview of Incidents of GBV in Relation to Lebanon’s Situation 2020

Document Type: Situation Reports , COVID-19
Document Language: English
The annual GBVIMS report aims to provide a situational analysis on the impact of the socio-economic situation, COVID-19 pandemic and Beirut port explosions on the Gender-Based Violence (GBV) situation in Lebanon. The data reflected in this report is provided by thirteen (13) data gathering organizations that coordinate the GBVIMS through a National Steering Committee in Lebanon. The analysis has been triangulated with other sources including protection monitoring reports, various technical sector’s data, surveys and impact assessments conducted in the period of this analysis.


  • United Nations Populations Fund
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees


  •  Gender Based Violence


  • Lebanon

Population Group

Country Group
Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
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