Uganda: AAP Inter-Agency Task Team Terms of Reference

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Document Type: Terms of Reference (TOR)
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 17 May 2021 (3 years ago)
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Uganda: AAP Inter-Agency Task Team Terms of Reference

Document Type: Terms of Reference (TOR)
Document Language: English
In the context of the Ugandan refugee response, Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) can be understood as an active commitment by humanitarian actors to take account of, give account to and be held accountable by People of Concern (PoC). More broadly, it refers to responsible use of power by humanitarian actors combined with the responsibility of advocating for the empowerment and participation in decision-making of the people they seek to serve, and ensuring that outcomes are driven by their needs and preferences, while preserving their rights, safety and dignity. In practice, this means that PoCs have a say in decisions that affect their lives, receive timely, accessible and life-saving information they need to make informed decisions, have access to safe and responsive feedback and complaint mechanisms and have equitable access to assistance in proportion to their needs, priorities and preferences.


  •  Protection


  • Uganda
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