UNHCR Somalia Refugee Returnees - December 2021

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Document Type: Dashboards & Factsheets
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 10 January 2022 (3 years ago)
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UNHCR Somalia Refugee Returnees - December 2021

Document Type: Dashboards & Factsheets
Document Language: English
This figure includes Voluntary Repatriation from Kenya (85,465) and Assisted Spontaneous Returnees (ASR) from Yemen (5,416) as well as 1,563 returnees from other countries such as Djibouti (773), Libya (542), Sudan (143), Eritrea (87), Angola, Tunisia, Pakistan, Gambia and others (18). Somali refugees from these or other countries who return spontaneously without assistance from UNHCR are not included.


  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees


  •  Information Management


  • Somalia

Population Group

Country Group
Eritrea - Refugees, Somalia - Refugees, Somalia - Refugee Returnees
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