Türkiye - STL: Earthquake Emergency Situation Report 14.02.23

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Document Type: Situation Reports / Updates , Situation Reports
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 14 February 2023 (2 years ago)
Upload Date: 16 February 2023 (2 years ago)
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Türkiye - STL: Earthquake Emergency Situation Report 14.02.23

Document Type: Situation Reports / Updates , Situation Reports
Document Language: English
Support to Life (STL) has been operational in the affected provinces of Şanlıurfa, Diyarbakır, Adana and Hatay provinces since 2013, providing protection and livelihood support to refugees and host community members. Being provinces heavily populated by Syrian refugees, STL has been running community centers in these provinces, including one in the Narlıca neighborhood of the Antakya district of Hatay. STL has channeled its remaining operational capacity to disaster response and relief in the earthquake zone. Despite being affected by the disaster, most STL staff from Adana, Mersin, Diyarbakır, Batman, and Mardin remain operational and actively support STL’s presence in the field. Among the field locations of STL, the most affected area was Hatay, where the staff members still need basic needs and shelter.


  • Support To Life


  • Türkiye

Population Group

Country Group
Türkiye Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
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