Türkiye - UNHCR: Protection Mainstreaming Key Elements & Safe Distributions (Reducing Protection Risks in in-kind Distributions) [EN/AR]

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Document Type: Guidance
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 15 February 2023 (1 year ago)
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Türkiye - UNHCR: Protection Mainstreaming Key Elements & Safe Distributions (Reducing Protection Risks in in-kind Distributions) [EN/AR]

Document Type: Guidance
Document Language: English
The Humanitarian Community’s approach to protection mainstreaming focuses on four key elements: Prioritizing the safety and dignity of beneficiaries and avoid causing harm: Concern for the safety and dignity of individuals and avoiding causing further harm is central to mainstreaming protection. The safety of beneficiaries should be the primary consideration in humanitarian action. But being safe is not enough if people do not have their dignity: people need to feel valued, have a sense of self-respect and feel they have some control over their lives. Prioritizing safety and dignity can also help to prevent or minimize the possible unintended negative effects that our interventions can cause for beneficiaries. Ensuring meaningful access to assistance and services: Recognized as a crucial component of all humanitarian interventions, we all must seek to ensure that people have a meaningful opportunity to attain their rights by accessing available services and assistance. Conflict and divisions within society


  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees


  •  Protection


  • Türkiye

Population Group

Country Group
Türkiye Syrian Arab Republic - Refugees
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