UNHCR Burkina Faso: Ensuring the Civilian and Humanitarian Character of Camps in Burkina Faso


UNHCR Burkina Faso: Ensuring the Civilian and Humanitarian Character of Camps in Burkina Faso

UNHCR Burkina Faso, 14 Aug 2013

URL: http://data.unhcr.org/SahelSituation/
In conformity with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed between the UNHCR and the Burkina Faso Government through the CONAREF (Commission Nationale pour les Réfugiés) early 2013 on the Civilian and Humanitarian Character of Asylum, UNHCR trained the security personnel that are stationed in the camps of Sag-Nioniogo, Mentao and Goudoubo.

In total 36 security personnel were trained in three official camps (12 in Goudoubo, 15 in Mentao and 8 in Sag-Nioniogo) from the 15 July to the 14 August. The security agents working on refugee camps received trainings on International Protection, the UNHCR Code of Conduct, SGBV, International Humanitarian Law, and the role and responsibilities of security personnel in a refugee context. In addition, they were trained in the national legislation of protection of refugees, as well as skills and tools regarding camp security and policing. Senior Protection Officer and the Field Safety Advisor facilitated the training. The Protection Assistant from CONAREF facilitated a session on national refugee law and a person from the ICRC has also provided training in International Humanitarian Law.

Their presence of the security agents on the camp ensures that the Civilian and Humanitarian character of the camps in Burkina Faso are maintained on one hand and on the other that the security of refugees and humanitarians is ensured. Refugees have also been sensitized that they can have recourse to the security agents if they feel their rights have been violated.