EUROPEAN COMMISSION PRESS RELEASE: Displacement in North-East Nigeria: EU increases emergency aid


EUROPEAN COMMISSION PRESS RELEASE: Displacement in North-East Nigeria: EU increases emergency aid

ECHO, 25 Nov 2014

Abuja/Dakar, 25 November 2014 – The European Commission is giving €5 million to step up its humanitarian assistance to the people displaced by the conflict in the states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa. Conditions in informal settlements are particularly dire. Tens of thousands of newly arrived displaced people are in urgent need of the basic assistance such as shelter, food, water and health care.

“Tens of thousands of people in northern Nigeria have been forced to flee, often more than once in recent months. They are exhausted and vulnerable; we must find ways to help and protect them,” said Christos Stylianides, EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management.

More than 1.6 million people are believed to be internally displaced or have sought refuge in the neighbouring countries of Niger, Cameroon and Chad as a result of the expanding and increasingly violent conflict in north-eastern Nigeria. Hundreds of thousands of people have settled in camps and public buildings as well as with host families, in courtyards, construction sites and open fields around major towns like Yola in Adamawa state.

The total number of displaced in Adamawa state is estimated at 500 000 with another 350 000 people around Maiduguri in Borno state. In Adamawa alone, European Commission's humanitarian partner organisations estimate at 200 000 the number of displaced people spread over more than 40 informal settlements where little or no assistance is being provided.

Due to the grave security situation, many of the displaced families are beyond the reach of aid organisations. For those who managed to reach major towns, aid is urgently needed. Apart from meeting their basic needs for survival, these people also need protection, especially the numerous unaccompanied minors.

“We cannot be blind to this emergency because access to people in need is difficult. I encourage national and international organisations and agencies to join forces and address this displacement crisis of a growing magnitude," the Commissioner added.

This new funding brings European Commission’s humanitarian aid in Nigeria to €12.5 million in 2014.
Since mid-April 2014, the North-East of Nigeria has seen a significant surge in violence resulting in large population displacement. Over 1.5 million people are estimated to be internally displaced and over 180 000 have fled to neighboring countries. Non-compliance with International Humanitarian Law (IHL) by all parties to the conflict remains a major concern.

The conflict is adding to northern Nigeria’s food and nutrition crisis as agriculture and trade have been significantly disrupted. Many health facilities have shut down. Thousands of malnourished children are therefore not getting the treatment they need to survive.

Nigeria has the highest number of acutely malnourished children in West Africa. Despite a gradual improvement in nutrition care in parts of the country, more efforts are needed by the authorities and donors to scale up the prevention and management of malnutrition.

The European Commission funds in Nigeria go towards helping the victims of violence in the North-East, providing emergency food assistance and improving the community management of malnutrition.

Yassine Gaba, Head of Office, European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO): +234 811 389 7369,

Anouk Delafortrie, Regional Information Officer, European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO): +221 77 740 92 17,

For more information
The European Commission's humanitarian aid and civil protection: