Chad Sending Troops to Help Cameroon Fight Boko Haram


Chad Sending Troops to Help Cameroon Fight Boko Haram

Voice of America, 16 Jan 2015

Moki Edwin Kindzeka

YAOUNDE— Cameroon announced Chad has agreed to send weapons and soldiers to help in the fight against the Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram. Chad’s offer comes after Cameroon President Paul Biya called for international help to combat the Islamist militant group.

Cameroon government spokesman Issa Tchiroma Bakari said the agreement came after a series of meetings between Chad President Idriss Deby Itno, Cameroon President Paul Biya and top military officials.

He said the two heads of state are determined to defend and protect women, men, children and their property. He called on all citizens to collaborate to stop the barbarism of Boko Haram.

Chad announced Wednesday it was committed to supporting Cameroon - which has been plagued by increasing Boko Haram raids, attacks and kidnappings along its border with Nigeria for several years.

President Biya did not say when nor how many troops would be deployed in his announcement Thursday.

But Cameroon military spokesman Colonel Didier Badjeck said negotiations with Chad intensified after suspected Boko Haram fighters attacked Cameroonian villages from Lake Chad, which is shared by Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger.

He said they have been facing Boko Haram fighters who changed strategy and were constantly attacking Cameroonian villages from Lake Chad. He said the group has been demonstrating some resilience and force- an indication that it is still receiving support.

Cameroon has deployed thousands of troops to its northern border in response to the growing attacks. Earlier this week, the Cameroon military said it repelled an attempted attack on a military base in Kolofata and killed at least 143 suspected Boko Haram fighters.

Last week, President Biya called for a coordinated international response to Boko Haram - which appears resilient in its five year insurgency to take over northern Nigeria. The Boko Haram threat is likely to loom large at the AU summit meetings in Addis Ababa later this month.