Local people in Yebyu Tsp benefit from Kanpauk Natural Gas project


Local people in Yebyu Tsp benefit from Kanpauk Natural Gas project

The New Light of Myanmar, 19 Feb 2014

URL: http://www.moi.gov.mm/npe/nlm/content/19-feb-14
Investment in production of natural gas has benefited the local people of the Village of Kanpauk in Kaleinaung Sub-Township under Yebyu Township, Dawei District.
After discovering huge sources of natural gas in the township, companies have carried out production of the natural gas as from the 1996-97 FY, creating job opportunities for local people. The local people who relied on finding lead, iron and minerals traditionally for their livelihood in the past have enjoyed the comfortable life thanks to their new jobs.
The Village of Kanpauk has possessed basic infrastructures for development including schools, a police station, a station hospital and has become a home for over 50,000 population. Seventy-five percent of the production of natural gas is sold toThailand and 25 percent is supplied to Myainggalay Cement Plan in Hpa-an.
The pipleline which transports the natural gas from the Kanpauk Project to Kachanaburi of Thailand has passed through Mawgyi in Yebyu Township, Taninthayi Division, creating job opportunities for local people and earning foreign currency for Myanmar.
The project can be considered as the pride of the nation and it is benefiting the country.