Agriculture Science Institute will be reopened in Nov, 2014


Agriculture Science Institute will be reopened in Nov, 2014

kantarawaddy, 23 Jun 2014

State Chief of Agriculture Department U Tin Tun said that the agriculture school which was closed for 16 years in Ngwe Taung in Dee Maw Soo Township will be reopened as Agriculture Science Institute.

“We will receive 50 students for the first enrollment of the school. They will follow courses for 3 years. Later we will receive more students. For this year, only the students who pass 10th grade will be accepted. There will be entrance exam and students will be chose upon on their score or result. Faculty will set criteria for this.”

There were be great job opportunities for the students after finishing their study from this school. After graduating, they will be able to work at the State Agriculture Department or for private company in the agriculture business. Both boys and girls have the same chance to attend the agriculture science school and they will also provide accommodation for the students.

U Tin Tun said, “There will be some agriculture specialist in the future in Kayah State. There will be more improvement on it. Leaderships of foreign specialists or professionals will be less necessary hopefully. Our State will be better developed if our own people can lead by themselves.”
Students will be given with official degree. Current places of cultivation and breeding for the new agriculture school will be provided by the minister of Agriculture and Water Resource and they are refurbishing it in view of the opening of the Agriculture Science Institute with government permission.