Kayan area prepares for the campaigning election


Kayan area prepares for the campaigning election

kantarawaddy, 21 Aug 2014

URL: http://www.ktimes.org/index.php/news/1011-2014-08-21-06-18-07
As preparing for 2015 election, Kayan New Generation Youth (KNGY) is leading the trainings of election knowledge in the Kayan area. The training will be organizing from August 22 to 25 said Ko Ko Gyi a member of politic and human right commission under the KNGY.

“ Ko Ko Gyi said that this training is to let the people know how the important on the process of election during 2015 election.”

Not only to aware of the election process but also to let our people know what is democracy and human right mean; and the basic Myanmar National law would be included in the training added by Ko Ko Gyi.

“Then, Myanmar is now practicing the democracy, but very few of the Myanmar people understand what it means”.

The training has not limitation on the invitation; however, since everyone from the local facing their daily meals, officers of youth from the local Kayan area offices will be in the preference.

Information which has discussed in the training will be further carry out to the ground in every zone by the officer of youth who’s attended the training.

Likewise election knowledge training would be more carry onto the Kayan area asserted by Ko Ko Gyi.