Monthly stipends increase for needy students in Mon State


Monthly stipends increase for needy students in Mon State

The Global New Light of Myanmar, 30 Jun 2016

STUDENTS from low-income families in Mon State are to have allowances increased; 4000 students including 797 primary students, 2,285 middle-school students and 691 high school students from 159 basic education schools in Paung Township.

The programme was first launched in 2012 in three townships including Kyaikhto, Belin and Paung in Thaton District.

“With the financial assistance of the World Bank and well-wishers, we can increase the amount of stipend for each student this academic year (AY),” said Daw San San Aye, education officer of Paung Township.

Authorities offered Ks4,000 each to primary student, Ks5,000 each to middle school students and Ks6,000 each to high school students last AY. Higher allowances are offered to older students as they are at higher risk of leaving school to join the work force.

“Students with or without parents from poor background are eligible for the programme,” she added.

The amount will be increased from Ks4,000 to Ks5,000 for primary level student, Ks5,000 to Ks8,000 for middle level students and Ks6,000 to Ks10,000 for high school students.